Monday, October 14, 2013

What is Placed Before the Mirror is Pictured in the Mirror.

If God is ALL then even a problem can consist of nothing but God!
Be assured also that the writer could not give forth this message,  —  LOVE YOUR PROBLEMS  — unless she felt certain in her heart that they were not her own  but God’s Word to us each. Loving Your Problem  By Lillian De Waters
It is possible to generate peace, security, approval, acknowledgment and joy from within, but it takes practice.
Are you a character in the book? Are you a picture in the mirror or a shadow on the walk? If so, then you are nothing, for the character in the book, the reflection in the mirror, the shadow on the walk, are nothing.

"I of myself can do nothing,"- the mind, the body, the form, the character in the dream, the picture on the screen can do nothing. But I AM, which is All-in-all, which is without beginning and end, - this "I" is Truth and can do all because it is all.
Let each place himself in the right position. Let each know himself as he actually is. Let each behold himself like unto the Son of God, the Christed character, wherein is no separation, no division, no distinction. Life is one and life is totality; Truth is one and Truth is totality; Self is one and Self is totality. Besides this there is none else. Believest thou this! In HIS Name  By Lillian DeWaters 1926
If you attack a condition, or a state of mind, you will experience in return that quality which you put into it, for what is placed before the mirror is pictured in the mirror.
What do you fear to lose in giving your self-surrender? It is in the nature of your Christ-Self to solve your problems and to transmute your trials into blessings. A problem is simply a call for more love, more understanding, more renunciation of a sense separate from our perfection. Where there is light there cannot be darkness, and where there is loving understanding of perfect Being there can be no grievous problem.
Certain it is that the appearance of evil will remain with us just so long as we entertain the belief that there is evil. Nothing shall by any means harm us so long as we abide in the consciousness of the totality of the perfection in Earth as in Heaven and in the realization of the oneness of Infinite Being,” “the same yesterday  , today and  forever.” Your Problem  By Lillian De Waters
In great distress of mind a lady interviewed a practitioner as follows: “I have placed my son in one of the largest University hospitals in the country, after treatment in the best local hospitals, but the physicians in all give the same report: that there is no hope for him, that his trouble is incurable, that he must die. Can your treatment save him? Will you try ?”
The case was taken up at once, with the gratifying result that within a week the young man was back at his business office, completely restored to health and harmony.
Now, Dear Reader, can you guess the cause of this wonderful demonstration?  It was Love. The practitioner, with that same sense of loving compassion which Jesus had, cast out of his own mind all belief in fear, resentment, or seeming resistance. The patient too was simply carried away from these on the wings of Love to where the sunlight of God’s Truth filled his consciousness. Such is the swift healing-power of Love, ready to do the same for everyone who will let it. Loving Your Problem  By Lillian De Waters
I see no evil; I behold only the good.
I have seen the drunkard lying in the gutter, and the saint kneeling in ecstasy before the high altar of his faith; but I have found no difference.
I have perceived that each, in his own tongue, is seeking to express the One Life.
I will not separate and divide; I cannot condemn nor censure, for I know that there is but One in All.
I know that all came from the One, and all will return to the One.
I know that all are now in the One, and that each is seeking to express the One.
I know and love all. SOM

My Word is a Word of Power, for I know that it is the Word of the Great God within me.
My Word shall accomplish and prosper, and shall do good unto all who call upon my name.
My Word is a tower of strength and cannot be denied.
It is complete and perfect here and now.
My Word is the Word of God.
My word is the word of God. SOM
Where would I go but Heaven? What could be a substitute for happiness? What gift could I prefer before the peace of God? What treasure would I seek and find and keep that can compare with my Identity? And would I rather live with fear than love?

Lesson 287 You are my goal, my Father. Only You.

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