Thursday, October 31, 2013

if you follow your bliss . . .

Now, I came to this idea of bliss because in Sanskrit, which is the great spiritual language of the world, there are three terms that represent the brink, the jumping-off place to the ocean of transcendence: Sat-Chit-Ananda. The word "Sat" means being. "Chit" means consciousness. "Ananda" means bliss or rapture. I thought, "I don't know whether my consciousness is proper consciousness or not; I don't know whether what I know of my being is my proper being or not; but I do know where my rapture is. So let me hang on to rapture, and that will bring me both my consciousness and my being." I think it worked.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What can I do to make the day brighter for others?

I first pray so that I AM prepared to be a channel of love, peace, and understanding.
Therefore I make a positive difference in the lives of others.
I may write letters or make some phone calls, sharing fun moments from the past – knowing that we can share laughter and offer mutual support.
There is one thing I can always do: behold the Christ Presence within others. In, Christ we have life, we are loved and loving, we are wise and fulfilled.
Whatever I do for others, I AM acting as one creation of God blessing other beloved creations.
With this intent, I do make the day brighter for them and for me.
I AM an open channel for love, peace, and the wisdom of Christ.

Monday, October 28, 2013


I was listening to Jennifer Hadley (Jennifer Hadley - YouTube) and she made a comment how manifesting doesn’t exactly work.

I found old notes from Crystalinks on this @ 'The Celestine Prophecy', 'The Secret', 10 Insights to Manifesting.

As all is mind, and as we attract to us what we first become, until we learn to love we are not sending out love vibrations, and not until we send out love vibrations can we receive love in return. Creative Mind and Success, by Ernest S(hurtleff) Holmes [1919]

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Ill will?

 “Stop hating each other and start being brothers the way the Great Spirit intended” Walking Buffalo

In 1909 Penn State was 'the most godless university in the country'. Mired in student strikes, class scraps, 'Hazing'[1] and the supply of alcohol on the campus was plentiful. It was here that Frank Buchman found himself after accepting a job as YMCA Secretary. On 29 January 1908, Frank Buchman had sailed for Europe on the SS Moltke. While in Britain he discovered he had been nursing ill-will having been forced to resign a post earlier in October:

Decide for me.

We declare as we sit in the silence that the Spirit of all knowledge is making known within us just what we should do; that it is telling us just what to say or where to go. Have absolute reliance on this as it is one of the most important things to do. We should always get that inner assurance before undertaking any new enterprise; being sure that we have really put the whole thing into the hands of life and that all that we have to do is to work it out in the outer. We shall learn to avoid mistakes when we learn to be directed by that inner voice that never makes mistakes. We should declare in the silence that intelligence is guiding us and it will do so. Creative Mind and Success, by Ernest S(hurtleff) Holmes [1919]

Say to the Holy Spirit only, 'Decide for me', and it is done. For His decisions are reflections of what God knows about you, and in this light, error of any kind becomes impossible. ACIM CH14,III,16.1-2

That they all shall be one, just as you, my Father, are in me, and I am in you, so that they also shall be one in us. John 17:21 Aramaic Bible in Plain English

The truth is true.

To those unhappy learners who would teach themselves nothing, and delude themselves into believing that it is not nothing, the Holy Spirit says, with steadfast quietness:

Friday, October 25, 2013

The only correction required is in our thinking.

Colin Tipping: If your soul’s purpose in being on this earth plane is to experience separation in a wide variety of forms in order to really get what Oneness is, where better to begin than with yourself? See more at:

Gemma Stone: By deepening our awareness of what we are feeling and what we really need, we are free to choose a conscious action over unconscious addiction. See more at:

Jennifer Hadley: A Course in Miracles teaches us that the mistake is that there’s a belief in a lack of love. Since Love is all there is, that’s the only thing we could believe that we lack. - See more at:

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

“BE” attitudes of the Beatitudes.

A light bulb, the simple ordinary light bulb that we have in our homes, has the potential to radiate the light energy to illuminate a room. If the filament is in order and if the connections are made, and if the electric current is properly plugged in, the light bulb will have light—whether the bulb is big or little, round or square, yellow or white, and no matter how it has been used in the past. It will light, simply because it is, after all, a light bulb.
You can be healed, no matter who you are or what you have been or done, if you make the contact with the “same light that lighteth every man coming into the world"—simply because you are, after all, a child of God. It is as simple as that. And this is the key to the potential dynamics of Christianity. DISCOVER THE POWER WITHIN YOU~Eric Butterworth~1968

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


A treatment must be..SITTING DOWN AND TURNING TO THE FATHER WITHIN AND SAYING - "WHAT IS THE TRUTH?..about business..about body..about health..about my neighbor..about this universal belief of war.." - and then letting the Divine Consciousness TELL IT TO YOU! You must yourself go WITHIN and let the Divine Consiousness give you a treatment. YOU do not GIVE the treatment. You RECEIVE the treatment from Divine Mind.Consciousness Unfolding - published by Joel Goldsmith
In the same way you have to exercise your physical muscles in order to rise against gravity, you have to exercise your miracle muscle in order to rise against the ego. Elisa Lionne
The whole thing with getting in shape is that you can’t read about becoming fit and expect to be fit. You can’t go to a workshop and listen to someone else talk about being fit and expect to get in shape. You have to actually exercise and the same is true for our spiritual fitness program. You’ve got to put some effort in. You can’t just go to the gym and watch everybody else work out and expect to get fit.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The God Who Speaks.

The central practice to the Oxford Group/MRA members was guidance, which was usually sought in the "quiet time" of early morning using pen and paper. The grouper would normally read the Bible or other spiritual literature, then take time in quiet with pen and paper, seeking God's direction for the day ahead, trying to find God's perspective on whatever issues were on the listener's mind. He or she would test their thoughts against the standards of absolute honesty, purity, unselfishness and love, and normally check with a colleague. 

Pray, ask, and knock:

    "Father, reveal Thyself. Break this mesmeric sense that I may pierce the veil of separation. Open my eyes that I may see; open my ears that I may hear. Glorify Thou me with the glory that I had with Thee in the beginning."
We are not asking God for anything. What we are trying to do through this prayer is to break that mesmeric sense within ourselves until the glory of God, which is already established within us, can once more be evident in manifestation.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

There is only one answer to the question, "What is God?" and that answer is, "I AM."

All the error that has existed down the ages is founded on the theory or belief of two worlds, one the heavenly kingdom, or spiritual life, and the other a material world or mortal existence, each separate from the other.
In spite of this sense of two worlds, men have always attempted to bring harmony into the discords of human existence through an attempt, by prayer, to contact this other world, or spiritual realm, and to bring Spirit, or God, to act upon the so-called material existence.
Let us begin with the understanding that our world is not an erroneous one, but rather that the universe in which we live is the realm of reality about which man entertains a false concept. The work of bringing health and harmony into our experience is not, then, getting rid of, or even changing, a mortal material universe, but correcting the finite concept of our existence. The Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith

Saturday, October 19, 2013

God IS, and that's all that God is.

"How does one set about attaining this spiritual consciousness and thereby lose material sense?" The answer is, "Read and study the truths revealed through all ages about the universal Consciousness, Soul or Spirit, and about spiritual creation and its laws. Imbibe the spiritual sense of these revelations." Joel S. Goldsmith
Prayer of Forgiveness - Author Unknown
i forgive everyone and everything
that can possibly need forgiveness
of the past, present, or the future

i am free and they are free, too
all things are being cleared up between us
now and forever

but most of all i forgive myself
for ever having set them in motion

Friday, October 18, 2013

Absurd? Yes! But forgive it.

When you have thought profoundly upon any subject, do not hesitate to speak in public all that is in your mind to tell the people. This is your mission. One affirmation will set you into great power. It is this: “The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned, that I should know how to speak a word in season.” ECH
Whatever I need comes to me from the All Good.
Divine Intelligence working through me always knows just what I need and always supplies it when I need it.
This Law is unfailing and sure, and cannot be broken.
I receive my Good daily as I go along the pathway of Life, and I cannot be robbed of my birthright to freedom and happiness.
I receive my Good. SOM
Theatre of the Absurd (all the world a stage,  life is a dream)

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


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140 of a possible 240 countries have viewed this blog! Thanks. I’ll update the side bar when Blogger solves their problem with updating them. 
IT is never too late! Do not look over the past years and grieve because of false steps you have taken, because of precious years you have wasted, because of labors lost. This is only a dream. In heaven there can be no false steps nor any mistakes.
Open your heart and vision to the Message of Truth. There is no time in God! One day in Truth is the same as a thousand years in a world of attainment. Bravely now with courage born of insight look up and cry:” It never happened! I never lost  a moment’s time! I never made a single mistake! With the vision of God I behold there is no past, there is but the eternal hour of changeless glory and harmony. The moment is here when I perceive clearly the nothingness of experience.” The ONE – Lillian DeWaters

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fear Not

Guy Finley: There are many things that have happened and that are happening in this world that are, at best, difficult to deal with. There's no question about it: human beings often do awful things to each other. Certainly, compassion is in terribly short supply. But the key point for our inner work is that events -- in themselves -- do not have the power to... [continued]

There must come for us that experience which Jesus mentioned as being in this world, apparently, yet not being of this world. That is we will be seen and known in this world, we will eat and sleep and wear clothing but at the same time we will know in our hearts that this is drama, dream only and therefore entirely harmless. The One by Lillian DeWaters 1937


If one would investigate or study or attempt to understand this material world, this thinking mind, this aging body, he must turn his attention in an opposite direction, the same as if one were to study a rose to understand the history and construction of a rose, he would not sit before a mirror and study the rose in the mirror but he would turn his attention in an opposite direction, -- he would look to the rose standing before it.
Likewise, instead of looking to the mind or the body one must look in the opposite direction – one must study the world within.
 For illustration:

Monday, October 14, 2013

What is Placed Before the Mirror is Pictured in the Mirror.

If God is ALL then even a problem can consist of nothing but God!
Be assured also that the writer could not give forth this message,  —  LOVE YOUR PROBLEMS  — unless she felt certain in her heart that they were not her own  but God’s Word to us each. Loving Your Problem  By Lillian De Waters
It is possible to generate peace, security, approval, acknowledgment and joy from within, but it takes practice.
Are you a character in the book? Are you a picture in the mirror or a shadow on the walk? If so, then you are nothing, for the character in the book, the reflection in the mirror, the shadow on the walk, are nothing.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

We are all stars in the one Crown, drops in the one Ocean.

WHILE the author was engaged in writing her book, THE CHRIST WITHIN, she was amazed one morning upon awakening to see suspended in the air above her head the words-―IN HIS NAME.Clear, brilliant, dazzling they were. At first came the thought, How wonderful they are! How warm and tender their message! Then, suddenly, But what are they doing here? What do they signify like this? Instantly came the answer: "The title for your NEXT book!"Thus it was that before I had completed the book upon which I was then working, ideas for the next book, whose title had been given me, were being revealed.

Friday, October 11, 2013

There is but One Active Intelligence.

If you choose to do right and choose true friends, you will always have plenty of drops of gold. Your mental state is responsible for all your environ­ments and all your possessions. Keep this law in your heart: “Thy words were found and I did eat them, and thy word was unto me the joy and re­joicing of my heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.” ECH

Father, I made an image of myself, and it is this I call the Son of God. Yet is creation as it always was, for Your creation is unchangeable. Let me not worship idols. I am he my Father loves. My holiness remains the light of Heaven and the Love of God. Is not what is beloved of You secure? Is not the light of Heaven infinite? Is not Your Son my true Identity, when You created everything that is? Lesson 283

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Atonement, or AT-ONE-MENT

It always seems to us as if our viewpoint is right and the other viewpoint, regardless of who holds it, is wrong. No viewpoint is ever “the truth”. Your viewpoint is never “the truth", and conversely, the other person’s point of view isn’t “the truth” either. In fact, no viewpoint is ever “the truth” because a point of view is a belief and no belief is ever the truth.  A belief is a statement about reality that feels like the truth.  It is the meaning we have given to an event or series of events, none of which have any inherent meaning. Your Viewpoint Is Never “The Truth” ~ Morty Lefkoe

That’s why you can’t judge the messenger. There are many teachers of Truth.

New thought was riddled with people that spoke of the Atonement, or AT-ONE-MENT, long before ACIM.

"Heaven must be an interior state before it can be an external condition. . . ." wrote Warren Felt Evans. Evans was influenced by Swedenborg who wrote:

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I can be hurt by nothing but my thoughts.

“Regardless of what you are or what you have been, you can still become what you may want to be.” W. Clement Stone

 William Clement Stone ( 1902 – 2002) was a businessman, philanthropist and New Thought self-help book author.

It is the ego that wants or has thoughts that it needs more money. When we're in the space of the Christ Self (or the Creator Space as Morty Lefkoe puts it), we  know everything is taken care of in the level of form, and there's no worry. Any time YOU think YOU lack something YOU are  feeling separated from God. Rrecognize that, forgive it, and ask the Holy Spirit to see it differently. Remind yourself, "I forgive the belief in money." That returns the mind to right-minded thinking.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

There are no idle thoughts.

Stop often in the midst of your tasks to say:
“I do believe that Divine Goodness leads me and loves me.”


“O Man, as long as you exist, know, have, and cherish,
You have not been delivered, believe me, of your burden.”
Angelus Silesius

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Know thyself.

Father, I ask for nothing but the truth. I have had many foolish thoughts about myself and my creation, and have brought a dream of fear into my mind. Today, I would not dream. I choose the way to You instead of madness and instead of fear. For truth is safe, and only love is sure. Lesson 278
 “_The person who understands what he himself is all about
will also comprehend what life is all about.
will also comprehend what life is all about._” VH
My one lesson, which I must teach as I learned it, is that no perception that is out of accord with the judgement of the Holy Spirit can be justified. CH6,I,11.5
Whenever you are not wholly joyous, it is because you have reacted with a lack of love to one of God's creations. Perceiving this as 'sin' you become defensive because you expect attack. The decision to react in this way is yours, and can therefore be undone. It cannot be undone by repentance in the usual sense, because this implies guilt. If you allow yourself to feel guilty, you will reinforce the error rather than allow it to be undone for you.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Each word of Truth is a setting-free principle.

"I have a right to the best, and I will trust to my rights to bring me out right." 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The Way, The Truth and The Life.

Atonement is the understanding and experience of the actual Oneness of the Spirit that is God;
of the mind of man with the Mind that is God.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Truth is being taught, shared, and reiterated.

Question, when you're terrified, where's the terror? The terror is in you. VH

Healing Methods: Argumentive, Absolute and By Decree

“… Phineas Parkhurst Quimby tried to explain all illness as linked to mind. He applied a therapy that purported to heal the body by altering the state of mind of the sufferer. He believed he as was flowing the practices of Jesus Christ.”

Healing Powers: Alternative Medicine, Spiritual Communities, and the State  By Fred M. Frohock 1995 pg 148

The Argumentive Method