Saturday, October 19, 2013

God IS, and that's all that God is.

"How does one set about attaining this spiritual consciousness and thereby lose material sense?" The answer is, "Read and study the truths revealed through all ages about the universal Consciousness, Soul or Spirit, and about spiritual creation and its laws. Imbibe the spiritual sense of these revelations." Joel S. Goldsmith
Prayer of Forgiveness - Author Unknown
i forgive everyone and everything
that can possibly need forgiveness
of the past, present, or the future

i am free and they are free, too
all things are being cleared up between us
now and forever

but most of all i forgive myself
for ever having set them in motion

"Prayer is the Word of God which comes to you when you are silent enough, still enough and expectant to receive it." --Joel S. Goldsmith

The Divine Plan for me is Perfect. I am held in the Mind of God as a Complete and Perfect Expression of Life and Truth. No power can hinder nor mar this Inner Image of Reality, for It is God-given and God-kept. God gave and God will keep. SOM

I acknowledge the One Presence, the One Power, the One Being. I acknowledge the nothingness of mistakes, of past failures, of ignorance of dreams. I acknowledge the Mind of Christ ever-present. I acknowledge that there is no separation, no departure from Truth. No return to harmony; there is no bondage and there is no escape. There is only One Being, -- the changeless love and glory. The One Lillian DeWaters

Whatever I need comes to me from the All Good. Divine Intelligence working through me always knows just what I need and always supplies it when I need it. This Law is unfailing and sure, and cannot be broken. I receive my Good daily as I go along the pathway of Life, and I cannot be robbed of my birthright to freedom and happiness. I receive my Good. SOM

One in the Light walks in a different world from one in ignorance although they breathe the same air and walk on the same sidewalk. Man who places himself under the thoughts and ideas of another is not beholding the one Being, and man who places another beneath himself as subservient in any way to his thoughts and ideas has a still larger vision to express.
Always bring your heart to Truth,
ALWAYS bring your love.
Say often “I LOVE the Truth.”
The One Lillian DeWaters

There are no obstructions to Life’s Path; no hinderance to man’s endeavors.
Let my Word be the Law of elimination to all thought of hinderance or delay.
And let the thing that I speak come forth into manifestation at once.
I behold it and see that it is even now done, complete and perfect.
I receive NOW. SOM

“I need do nothing,” means I need do nothing to be whole, complete and saved from the dream I made. I am not a body, I am free, and I need do nothing to attain that. I don’t need to burn off karma, atone for my sins, accept Jesus as my savior, or be a good person to receive all of God’s love. The only thing I need to do is believe that I am the Son of God, and receive it.

I have an Inner Friend who walks and talks with me daily.
He is not afar off, but is within me, a constant companion.
I shall never become lonely, for my Friend is always near.
I have but to speak and He answers.
Before ever my lips spoke He told me of His love.
O my kind Friend, how dear to me is Thy presence.
The Spirit within me is my Friend. SOM

I Know Not What You Are - from "The Thunder of Silence" by Joel S. Goldsmith

"God, I know not what You are, or even how to pray to You. I know not how to go in or how to come out; I know not what to pray for.
"I cannot believe in the God that the world has accepted, for I have seen the fruitlessness and frustration which follows such blind faith. I must find the God whom no man knoweth, the God that is, the one true God that created the universe in His own image and likeness -- perfect, harmonious, and whole -- and who maintains and sustains it in its infinite and eternal perfection. In such a God I can believe.
"Reveal Yourself, Father; show me Your will. Never again will I dishonor You by trying to tell You what I need and then attempt to coerce You into delivering it. Never will I expect You to do my will or my bidding -- to be my messenger boy.
"I place my life, my hand, my being, and my body in Your keeping. Do with them what You will, Father. Take my sins, my fears, and my diseases; take my health, and my wealth; take it all. I ask only one gift -- the gift of You, Yourself." Joel S. Goldsmith

In this form of prayer I do not go to God to have certain things brought about for tomorrow or for Thanksgiving or for Christmas. I don't do that. I go to God in this way:
"Today, tomorrow, and all time to come, God, belong to Thee. Map out my days."
And then I sit in complete silence -- in complete quietness as if I really and truly had a telephone receiver at my ear and was trying to hear somebody at the other end.
. . .
Now this is the highest form of prayer that you can possibly indulge is communion with God, listening for the still small voice, opening consciousness to truth. There's no higher form of prayer than that. That is communion. Joel S. Goldsmith 1951

God is IS. God is Being. God IS, and that's all that God is. Joel S. Goldsmith 1951

Mrs. Eddy summed up all of these discords, lumped them together under the term mortal mind and said that mortal mind wasn't a thing. It was a term denoting nothingness. Some of her early students, and I happen to know one or two of them in Boston, were marvelous healers, without any great knowledge of religion or of Christian Science. But, they were great healers by virtue of the fact that they had caught that one point, and whenever troubles were brought to them they could smile and say, "Mortal mind, meaning nothingness." . . . Whereas originally the meaning was, yes it's measles or mumps, but it is an illusion, which means it's a mental image of nothingness. An illusion in thought, a mental image, has no substance, has no reality. It is merely an unfounded belief about something, a rumor. Joel Goldsmith 1951

The first glimpse into the heaven of here and now is the beginning of the ascension for us. This ascension is understood now as a rising above the conditions and experiences of "this world," and we behold the "many mansions" prepared for us in spiritual Consciousness -- in the awareness of Reality.excerpt of The New Horizon - from "The Infinite Way" by Joel S. Goldsmith

We thank You, Father, for Your guarantee of only happy outcomes in the end. Help us not interfere, and so delay the happy endings You have promised us for every problem that we can perceive; for every trial we think we still must meet. A happy outcome to all things is sure. 

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