Friday, February 27, 2015

There is nothing outside you.

"In order to change a man, spiritual facts must not be taken as dramatic sentiments. This common mistake is made by those with the urge to dramatize everything, especially themselves. By taking spiritual facts as practical pointers, there is no need for an exhausting stage performance. Deep down, every actor yearns to leave the stage and be himself." Vernon Linwood Howard

Guy Finley: Most people want very much to be strong, but they do not seem to be able to find the real strength they yearn for. [ read more ]

Monday, February 23, 2015

The Substitute Reality

In this world, you believe you are sustained by everything but God. Your faith is placed in the most trivial and insane symbols; pills, money, "protective" clothing, influence, prestige, being liked, knowing the "right" people, and an endless list of forms of nothingness that you endow with magical powers.
All these things are your replacements for the Love of God.

The Little Willingness

The holy instant is the result of your determination to be holy. It is the answer. The desire and the willingness to let it come precede its coming. You prepare your mind for it only to the extent of recognizing that you want it above all else. It is not necessary that you do more; indeed, it is necessary that you realize that you cannot do more. Do not attempt to give the Holy Spirit what he does not ask, or you will add the ego to him and confuse the two. He asks but little. It is he who adds the greatness and the might. He joins with you to make the holy instant far greater than you can understand. It is your realization that you need do so little that enables him to give so much.

Friday, February 20, 2015


Salvation is your happiest accomplishment. It is also the only one that has any meaning, because it is the only one that has any real use to you at all. God is the light in which I see. Lesson 44

"The story is told of an evil king who captured several enemy soldiers in a battle. Taking them back to his estate he put them to work as slaves. To outer appearances they were treated well for they were given sufficient food and comfortable living quarters. But one day one of the slaves dashed away in an attempt to escape. Grabbing their swords the guards pursued the fugitive into the woods, but the slave made good his escape.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

ACIM and Buddhism, Yoga, meditation, and Reiki.

Q #282, Q #1186, Q #1121, Q #1194 from Question and Answer Service of FACIM

I said before …

  • ·         that the first change, before dreams disappear, is that your dreams of fear are changed to happy dreams. That is what the Holy Spirit does in the special relationship. He does not destroy it, nor snatch it away from you. The special relationship will remain, not as a source of pain and guilt, but as a source of joy and freedom. ACiM - Text Chapter Eighteen - The Passing of the Dream - Section 2 - The Basis of the Dream

  • ·    , "Be not content with nothing," for you have believed that nothing could content you. It is not so. ACiM Text - Chapter Fourteen - Teaching for Truth - The Happy Learner

  • ·         that God so loved the world that he gave it to his only begotten Son. God does love the real world, and those who perceive its reality cannot see the world of death. For death is not of the real world, in which everything reflects the eternal. God gave you the real world in exchange for the one you made out of your split mind, and which is the symbol of death. For if you could really separate yourself from the Mind of God you would die. ACiM Text - Chapter Twelve - The Holy Spirit's Curriculum - Section 1

Friday, February 13, 2015

Happiness is being glad for who you are; liking that you …

·         want what you want, liking that you don’t like what you don’t like,

·         change your mind whenever you think that’s best,

·         don’t change your mind until you really change your mind,

·         don’t like not knowing how to have what you want,

·         don’t like being mistaken,

·         feel just the way you like to feel about everything you do, and

·         feel just the way you like to feel about everything that happens.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Shine with all you have.

In 1889, a frail, sick woman walked into a lecture hall in Kansas City, Missouri, and came away with an idea that saved her life and eventually led her to health and wholeness. This idea was not to let her go until she and her husband, who was soon set afire with it too, had found a faith that reached around the world and blessed the lives of millions of people throughout this century. Myrtle Fillmore ~s How to Let God Help You
Once upon a tiny tick in time

There came a thought into the mind.

There came a supposition.

Nothing more than a miniscule cognition.

A rumor rolled around inside the mind,

Like many a myth, it made us blind.

A fantasy, a wisp of wit,

Led to a most incredible split.

What if it were possible to pull-off a fantastic fraud?

What if I could think a thought

outside of the Mind of God?

The Fellowship of Isis: the feminine aspect of the divine.

“I felt that the Anglican priesthood was now totally unable to channel spiritual power. The Roman Catholics used to be able to do it, but were now a bit ashamed, it had become vaguely ‘non-U’ to be miraculous. You were just meant to be a socialist and be very good to everybody. This is true, it is what Christ taught them to do, but few of them were very good at it. The Methodists wee wonderful with their singing and healing, and the Hindus were past masters at it all but rather despised the psychic realm. They were into higher spirituality but I thought that the higher spirituality wasn’t doing them much good as regards social reform. They have the caste system, which I found to be very deep when I got to know them better. They have the poor old untouchables, whom nobody seemed to care about except Ghandi, whom I admired immensely. The Sufis are wonderful, but they don’t seem to be very tolerant of idolaters like the Hindus.
I was interested in the Quakers for a long time. They were very good with social work and the material plane, but then they said ‘the Holy Spirit has left, we don’t get the Holy Spirit any more’ so I suppose my attitude was that I’d go with the establishment, the Church of England, although they didn’t seem to have much spiritual power, because they were good and respectable. One settled for Jane Austen and respectability. So I did try with orthodoxy.” [1]

God goes with me wherever I go.

Today's idea will eventually overcome completely the sense of loneliness and abandonment all the separated ones experience. Depression is an inevitable consequence of separation. So are anxiety, worry, a deep sense of helplessness, misery, suffering and intense fear of loss.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Are You Waiting or Creating?

“A good character is the best tombstone. Those who loved you and were helped by you will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered. Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.” ~ Charles H(addon) Spurgeon

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Seven Understandings of All Unhappiness

1.    Unhappiness is the feeling of a belief about a perceived or imagined phenomena; not an experience caused by the phenomena or anything else.

2.    Unhappiness is experiencing your own believing that an event is bad and/or should not be because you believe IT causes unhappiness.

3.    Believing something causes unhappiness is the very reason it seems to “cause” unhappiness.

4.    Believing that something can cause unhappiness is the only cause of the fear of it. By “fear” is meant loathing, need to avoid, need to cure, need to kill or eliminate, disgust, hatred, terror, horror, repulsion, disdain and all such similar feelings.

·         (Fear is not a simple desire to avoid, destroy or otherwise prevent or eliminate a threat to your desire values. That attitude does not need to presume avoiding unhappiness in order to justify a simple desire.)

5.    Believing someone or something is morally wrong or evil, psychologically “sick” or behaviorally inappropriate is to fear that person or thing as if it could cause unhappiness.

6.    Unhappiness is fearing that unhappiness can “happen” or be caused by anything.

7.    Unhappiness is believing that something is necessary, something has to be, should be, ought to be, or must be other than what it is.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

My life works!

On the Other Side of the Emptiness You Fear Waits the Wholeness You Long For
There is no worse, nor more terrifying moment for those who are always in a hurry than to suddenly find themselves with nothing left to do! Guy Finley

"Whatever your life now is, question it. Go over it again. Whatever your life now is, question it. Oh, that’s the alternative. That’s what we’ve been looking for.

Monday, February 2, 2015


To be afraid is to have more faith in evil than in God. ~ Emmet Fox

Morty Lefkoe: Eliminate the barriers to achieving the results.