Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Wishing every one a very Happy New Year.


122 years ago Halley's Comet came and went without incident and 1900 ushered in nothing more than the 1900’s. (Haley’s returns in 2061, mark that on your calendar. And the world survived a war and flu epidemic.

12 years ago

Friday, December 24, 2021



At Christmas we celebrate the birth of the infant child Jesus. This happy event has its mystical counterpart in the birth of Christ in our own soul. This again is a mystical way of describing the birth of a new life within us, which is no less than the life of God.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

The Art of ........

 Christmas is not in tinsel and lights and outward show.The secret lies in an inner glow. It’s lighting a fire inside the heart. Good will and joy a vital part. It’s higher thought and a greater plan. It’s glorious dream in the soul of man. – Wilfred A. Peterson

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

What Shall Make Us Whole?

 Marsilio Ficino (1433–1499) argued that there is an underlying unity to the world, the soul or love, which has a counterpart in the realm of ideas. Platonic Philosophy and Christian theology both embody this truth. Ficino was influenced by a variety of philosophers including Aristotelian Scholasticism and various pseudonymous and mystical writings. Ficino saw his thought as part of a long development of philosophical truth, of ancient pre-Platonic philosophers (including Zoroaster, Hermes Trismegistus, Orpheus, Aglaophemus and Pythagoras) who reached their peak in Plato. The Prisca theologia, or venerable and ancient theology, which embodied the truth and could be found in all ages, was a vitally important idea for Ficino.

Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Stand still, be quiet.


“Behold, now, let my heart tell You what it was seeking there, that I should be gratuitously wanton, having no inducement to evil but the evil itself. It was foul, and I loved it. I loved to perish. I loved my own error— not that for which I erred, but the error itself. Base soul, falling from Your firmament to utter destruction— not seeking anything through the shame but the shame itself!" ~ Augustine of Hippo

“James 2:14-17 reads,