Wednesday, August 31, 2011

UFOs and the New Age movement phenomenon

One New Age channeling cult, above all the rest, has had a huge - if not disturbing - influence on hundreds of thousands of devotees worldwide. Known as 'The Nine', its disciples include cutting edge scientists, multi-millionaire industrialists and leading politicians.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

You do actually make the "things before” pleasant or unpleasant for you according as you think of them in advance.

NEW thought is new life. When an invention, a discovery first breaks on the inventor's mind, it fills him with joy. The blood in his veins surges with a fresher impetus. The author or poet is lifted into ecstasy of emotion by a new conception; I mean the relatively few creative authors and poets--not the many who, borrowing the fire of Genius, put it in their own lanterns and pass it off, often successfully as their own.

Whatever the mind is set upon, or whatever it keeps most in view, that it is bringing to it, and the continual thought or imagining must at last take form and shape in the world of seen and tangible things.

I repeat this assertion often in these books and in various forms of expression because this fact is the cornerstone of your happiness or misery, permanent health and prosperity, or poverty. It needs to be kept as much as possible in mind. Our thought is the unseen magnet, ever attracting its correspondence in things seen and tangible. As we realize this more and more clearly, we shall become more and more careful to keep our minds set in the right direction. We shall be more and more careful to think happiness and success instead of misery and failure.

Mankind demand something better. That demand, that cry has been swelling and increasing in volume for many centuries. Demand must always be answered. This demand is now being answered, first to the few, next to the many. New light, new knowledge and new results in human life and all it involves, are coming to this earth.

Thoughts are Things
by Prentice Mulford

Sunday, August 28, 2011

You belong to your own race; go join them again; cultivate again.

In “The Swamp AngelPrentice Mulford tells the story of his amateur hermit life.
“I had long entertained the idea of building for myself a house in the woods, and there living alone. Not that I was cynical or disgusted with the world. I have no reason to be disgusted with the world. It has given me lots of amusement, sandwiched between headaches, periods of repentance, and sundry hours spent in the manufacture of good resolutions, many of which I could not keep because they spoiled so quickly on my hands. I have tried to treat the world pretty well, and it has rewarded me. For the world invariably returns kick for kick, frown for frown, smile for smile.
I found at last in New Jersey, a piece of woods, a swamp, a spring nearby, a rivulet, and above all, a noble, wide spreading oak. The owner willingly consented to my building there, and under the oak I built.
I was living alone, in the country, in a house I built for myself.”

He was philosophical about the end of that experiment too:
“I had imagined I could live happily alone in nature, and largely independent of the rest of the human race. I couldn’t. I don’t believe anybody can. Nature has taught me better. I found that birds went in pairs and in flocks; that plants and trees grew in families; that ants live in colonies, and that everything of its kind has a tendency to live and grow together. But here I was, a single bit of the human race, trying to live alone and away from my kind. The birds and trees were possibly glad of my admiration for them, but they said :-- You don’t belong to us. You shouldn’t try to belong to us. You belong to your own race; go join them again; cultivate again. We live our own lives; you can’t get wholly into our lives. You’re not a bird, that you can live in a nest and on uncooked seeds; or a squirrel, that can live in a hole in a tree; or a tree, that can root itself in one place and stay there, as you’ve been trying to. A hermit is one who tried to be a tree, and draw nourishment from one spot, when he is really a great deal more than a tree, and must draw life and recreation from many persons and places. A bear is not so foolish as to try and live among foxes; neither should man try to live entirely among trees, because they cannot give him all that he must have to get the most out of life.
So I left my hermitage, I presume forever, and carted my bed and pots and pans to the house of a friend.”

National Magazine, 1905

If you want to succeed, keep your counsel. Be determined in your effort.

WHEN questions requiring decision arise the man who works by reason must depend upon the results of past experience. If he has had no experience bearing on that particular point he is adrift upon a tempestuous sea of doubt. The man who has reached the higher wisdom can go into his room and get help from the source of power. More than half of the American world are aimless. They rush hither and thither with one idea to-day, another to-morrow, throwing their force away in fruitless effort. This will never accomplish enough to acquire a competence. Wait! Find yourself! Make the decision as to what the occupation shall be with due deliberation.
Keep the idea before you during your leisure and let it remain in the consciousness while employed. The decision will come. When it does hold it in a tight grip. It makes no difference what the aim is. Nothing is beyond you if your power is developed. Nothing can be farther above you than was my desire for understanding was from me. Ignorant, uncouth, antagonistic, I was everywhere wrong. Mine worked out through persistent determined effort. Yours will also. Do not talk. This is imperative. If you do some one will laugh at you, or sneer, or pour cold water some other way, and diminish your resolve if not destroy it entirely. They bring you into touch with the current of world doubt. If you want to succeed, keep your counsel. Be determined in your effort. If some one tells you that God is withholding the realization of ideals for some purpose which we are forbidden to examine, put him down for a false prophet, laugh, and go serenely upon your way. You will get whatever your mind feels it must have if you keep after it with all the wisely directed vigor of your soul. Do not allow yourself to become subservient. The cringing type of man draws scorn, ridicule and figurative blows. His society is nowhere welcome. No one trusts such a man. Do not " look up " to any man. You are the peer of all. Not as fully developed perhaps, filled with fears, perhaps : but in the reality none are superior. Get expression from your soul and live from within, then this subserviency will leave you. Neither should you be domineering. Holding yourself dominant in order to repel insolence does not imply that one should domineer. The latter is the other extreme of subserviency. It draws disrespect, opposition and hostility.
Into The Light by Bruce Maclelland - 1916

Friday, August 26, 2011

I am Spirit, Mind, Wisdom, Strength, Wholeness.

Emma Curtis Hopkins promoted five specific denials for students to regularly make, balanced by five specific affirmations, and recommended setting aside a morning each week to meditate upon them.
1. There is no evil.
2. There is no matter.
3. There is no absence of life.
4. Sensation is not a physical or material experience.
5. There is no sin, sickness or death.
1. My Good is my God. My God is Life, Truth, Love, Substance, Intelligence - omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent.
2. In God I live and move and have my being.
3. I am Spirit, Mind, Wisdom, Strength, Wholeness.
4. The I AM works inevitably through me to will and to do that which ought to be done by me.
5. I am governed by the law of God and cannot sin or fear sin, sickness or death.

Denial did not mean denial of the existence of a problem, but rather, it was a counselling process by which a patient was first encouraged
  • to speak of their concerns,
  • identify an offending belief or construct, and then
  • deny the existence of this belief in the realm of God.
This was a six-stage process developed by Hopkins culminating in the affirmation of the patient as the perfect creation of the living God - spiritual, harmonious, free, fearless.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Now don't you know you have no enemies excepting as you make them by considering them as such?

Self reliance, or lack of it, is the difference between an employer and an employee.

Prosperity Through Thought-Force

by Bruce MacLelland

Later in life it became possible for me to closely observe some of the master minds in the world of business, and to the qualities peculiar to each there seemed to be added an inherent force, a something one could feel distinctly upon coming into contact with them. They were able to think of thousands as others thought of hundreds, and obtained them as easily. They were broad, strong, hopeful individuals, who bent their energies to accomplish vast undertakings, the very thought of which would frighten an ordinary man. It was also noted that the wisest men, wisdom is induced by peace or calmness and that wisdom without force is of small value.
John G. Saxe wrote : " Fools will be fools as certain as fate, Men of wisdom, make them your tools; That, only that, is the use of fools."
If you master yourself first, hold yourself absolutely obedient to your desire for peace, you can control anyone, savage or civilized. The passengers on a through train from Chicago to New York were disturbed by the constant crying of a little babe in its mother's arms. She walked along the aisle of the car, tossed the babe up and down, laid it face downward on her lap, and her nerves were evidently at a tension. At last a gentleman asked her to permit him to try to quiet the child, and, in a few minutes, it was peacefully sleeping, and he did nothing but hold it in his arms. Evidently knowing the effects of the mental condition of the mother upon the baby, he would not allow her to take the child until both obtained a restful sleep. Poor baby! Poor mother! What a difference inherited or cultivated calmness in the mother would have made in the lives of both. Had, she been quiet in mind, which means that thoughts pass through one at a time, deliberately and not in droves (each crowding and jostling the other and more pushing from behind), the child would have been stronger, more courageous and healthful, and bright smiles of happy contentment would have shown in the baby face instead of the constant nervous crying.

Now, briefly, to summarize: Build yourself into a calm, determined, courageous, forceful man by the aid of autosuggestion, and the attractive force of your mentality will bring success to you. You need not seek it. It will seek you. Use the methods given for any quality desired, eloquence, wisdom, health, anything you will get results. Faith is a dead letter unless accompanied with active, progressive thoughts and actions.

Love others and others will love you, and your ability to love will grow, constantly adding strength to your mind. Anyone can bring the hate or love of the entire world on himself, as he chooses, by building up the quality in his own mind. As now constituted, the minds of most people desire to love their friends and hate their enemies. Now don't you know you have no enemies excepting as you make them by considering them as such? You send them hating thought, they return it; this establishes a connection between you, constantly taking your strength to keep up the war. You cannot afford to do this; it is destroying your money making power. Just reverse your plan and imagine him in mind as a friend; think of him as such; feel friendly towards him. That is strength.

"The truth, once announced,
has the power not only to renew but to extend itself.
New Thought is universal in its ideals
and therefore should be universal in its appeal
Under the guidance of the spirit,
it should grow in good works
until it embraces many lands
and eventually the whole world."

--Mr. James A. Edgerton on New Thought Day, August 23, 1915 

A lay person and former  U.S. Post Office employee, Edgerton was the first president of the INTA, holding office from 1915 to 1923 and again from 1934 to 1937. Excelling at both diplomacy and organizarional management the INTA still follows the basic organized structure he established. By 1920 Divine Science, Homes of Truth, Unity and Church of Truth were among the members.

... the mark of a true gentleman was his skill in baking a perfect pie.

Born in Sag Harbor, Long Island, Prentice Mulford (1834-1891) sailed to San Francisco on a clipper in 1856 and remained for sixteen years. He left for a long tour of Europe in 1872 and then settled in New York City where he became known as a comic lecturer and author of poems and essays and a columnist for the New York Daily Graphic (a serial), 1875-1881.
Life by land and sea (1889) contains Mulford's adventures at sea and in the West, 1856-1872: life on a clipper and a California coastal schooner hunting whales and seals, gold prospecting in Tuolumne County, accounts of camp life and experiences as a school teacher and minor local politican, copper mining in Stanislaus County, and career as journalist for the San Francisco Golden Era.

One of our prominent officials, giving evidence in a suit relative to the disputed possession of a mining claim in a remote district, when asked what, in the absence of a house or shaft, he would consider to be indications of the former presence of miners, answered: "Empty oyster cans and empty bottles."
Although sometimes absent, social skills were certainly prized in Early California, but the mark of a true gentleman was his skill in baking a perfect pie.

The early pie-makers of our State were men who as soon as possible slept in sheets instead of blankets, who were skilled in washing linen, who went in clean attire on Sundays, and who subscribed for magazines and newspapers.. On remote bars and gulches such men have kept households of incredible neatness, their cabins sheltered under the evergreen oak, with clear rivulets from the mountain gorges running past the door, with clothes-lines precisely hung with shirts and sheets, with gauze covered meat safe hoisted high in the branches of the overshadowing trees, protecting those pies from intruding and omnivorous ground squirrels and inquisitive yellow-jackets; while about their door-way the hard, clean-swept red earth resembled a well-worn brick pavement. There is morality in pies.

Themes he loved appeal to the thoughtful seeker

Love is Life; Sympathy is Force; Our Thoughts Are Forces; Thoughts Are Things; Thought Is an Element; Strength is Born in Rest; Truths Prove Themselves; New Thoughts Bring Life Power and Talent; Grow in Repose;Truths Bring Health; Lies Breed Disease

The core of his creed is embodied in his essay “The Church of Silent Demand”.

The Church of Silent Demand To Supreme Power
Demand first Wisdom, so as to know what to ask for.
‘Ask and ye shall receive.’ Ask imperiously, but ask in a willing mood for what the Supreme Power sees best for you.
‘Love thy neighbour as thyself,’ but demand good first for yourself that you may be the better fitted to do good to all.
“Prentice Mulford, The New Gospeler”, National Magazine, 1905

“The Infinite is with us in all creeds and nations, and to call on the Infinite for more power, patience, courage and cheerfulness is to get it.”

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon

Tuesday afternoon,
I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way
It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.

Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why?
Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh.

I'm looking at myself reflections of my mind,
It's just the kind of day to leave myself behind.
So gently swaying through the fairyland of love,
If you'll just come with me you'll see the beauty of

Tuesday afternoon, Tuesday afternoon.

Tuesday, afternoon,
I'm just beginning to see, now I'm on my way.
It doesn't matter to me, chasing the clouds away.
Something, calls to me,
The trees are drawing me near, I've got to find out why?
Those gentle voices I hear, explain it all with a sigh.

Moody Blues

Monday, August 22, 2011

Let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.

My friends, love is better than anger.

Hope is better than fear.

Optimism is better than despair.

So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic.

And we’ll change the world.

Jack Layton, PC, MP (July 18, 1950 – August 22, 2011)

"And the truth shall bear witness of itself."

And one day the eyes of your spirit shall open, and you shall know all things.

For the Son of Man is not all that he seems, and only with the eyes of the spirit can we see those golden threads which link us with all life everywhere.
The truth is born out of the spring of Light, falsehood from the well of darkness.
The Essene Gospel of Peace
To all those who perceive that peace for the whole depends upon the effort of the individual.

Awareness belittles What IS by ignorance.
~ Kenneth G. Mills 2003

Sunday, August 21, 2011

What Is This Presence?

When Kenneth Mills was asked why he chose the title Surprises for his first formal publication of poems, he simply said, "Well, it has always been a surprise to me that I could ever give a poem!" Kenneth Mills did not write poetry at all.
He spoke it, and what's more, he spoke it spontaneously.

What Is This Presence?
See the dramatization of one of Kenneth Mills' spontaneous poems from the documentary The Rapture of Being

"I Am NOW"

"Green Stuff" in The Key: Identity
Hear an excerpt of a lecture given by Dr. K. G. Mills

Visit the The Kenneth G. Mills Foundation site for more.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

God, Enlightenment and Consciousness

Dr. Mills offers insight into our concepts of God and enlightenment.

1989 Summer Festival held at Sun-Scape Inn in the Muskokas, Ontario.


The Code of Your Unreality, an interchange with a student, June 23, 2003

The world is thinking in terms of shifting into a new experience. The shift is not in the object. The shift is a modulation within. To TOTAL BEING.

The Rapture of Being

An excerpt from a documentary film by Barbara Willis Sweete

Learn to speak the Word again

Dr. Mills speaking about his experience

"As above, so below."?

"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above,
and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below,
to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing".

O son, how many bodies we have to pass through,
how many bands of demons,
through how many series of repetitions and cycles of the stars,
before we hasten to the One alone?
Hermes Trismegistus

The alleged teacher the magical system known as Hermetism of which high magic and alchemy are thought to be twin branches. The name Trismegistus means thrice greatest Hermes, and is the title given by the Greeks to the Egyptian god Thoth or Tehuti, a lord of wisdom and learning. At one time the Greeks thought two gods inseparable. Thoth governed over mystical wisdom, magic, writing and other disciplines and was associated with healing, while Hermes was the personification of universal wisdom and the patron of magic.

The myths go further. Both gods are associated with sacred writings.

According to legend Hermes Trismegistus is said to have provided the wisdom of light in the ancient mysteries of Egypt. "He carried an emerald, upon which was recorded all of philosophy, and the caduceus, the symbol of mystical illumination.

Hermeticism or the Western Hermetic Tradition is a set of philosophical and religious beliefs or gnosis based primarily upon the Hellenistic Egyptian pseudepigraphical writings attributed to Hermes Trismegistus who is the representation of the conflation of the Egyptian god Thoth with the Greek Hermes. These beliefs have heavily influenced the Western Esoteric Tradition and were considered to be of great importance during the Renaissance and Reformation.

Most of the writings were lost with the fire and destruction of the Ancient Library of Alexandria[1]

Yet, there are three major works which are widely believed texts for Hermetic beliefs:

• The Corpus Hermeticum is the body of work most widely known and is the aforementioned Greek texts. These eighteen books are set up as dialogues between Hermes and a series of others. The first book involves a discussion between Poimandres (also known as Nous and God) and Hermes, supposedly resulting from a meditative state, and is the first time that Hermes is in contact with God. Poimandres teaches the secrets of the Universe to Hermes, and later books are generally of Hermes teaching others such as Asclepius and his son Tat.

The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus is a short work which coins the well known term in occult circles "As above, so below." The actual correct text of that maxim, as translated by Dennis W. Hauck is
"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracle of the One Thing"
. The tablet also refers to the three parts of the wisdom of the whole universe. Hermes claims his knowledge of these three parts is why he received the name Trismegistus (thrice-great, or Ao-Ao-Ao meaning "greatest"). As the story is told, this tablet was found by Alexander the Great at Hebron supposedly in the tomb of Hermes.

The Kybalion: Hermetic Philosophy is a book published in 1912 CE anonymously by three people calling themselves the "Three Initiates." Many of the Hermetic principles are explained in the book.
The "Three Initiates" who authored The Kybalion chose to remain anonymous. William Walker Atkinson is popularly held to be one (if not all) of the Three Initiates who anonymously authored The Kybalion, which certainly resembles Atkinson's other writings in style and subject matter. Atkinson's two co-authors in the latter venture, if they even existed, are unknown, but speculation often includes names like Mabel Collins, Michael Whitty, Paul Foster Case, and Harriett Case.

[1] The Royal Library of Alexandria, or Ancient Library of Alexandria, in Alexandria, Egypt, was the largest and most significant great library of the ancient world. It flourished under the patronage of the Ptolemaic dynasty and functioned as a major center of scholarship from its construction in the 3rd century BC until the Roman conquest of Egypt in 30 BC.

Ancient and modern sources identify four possible occasions for the partial or complete destruction of the Library of Alexandria:
  • Julius Caesar's fire in the Alexandrian War, in 48 BC;
  • the attack of Aurelian in the 3rd century AD;
  • the decree of Coptic Pope Theophilus in AD 391; and
  • the Muslim conquest in 642 AD or thereafter.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Unfoldment: an impromptu performance under the impelling of divine ideas.

Kenneth George Mills (1923–2004) was a Canadian metaphysical/philosophical speaker and author. An exponent of the oral tradition, he gave spontaneous lectures and poetry for over 37 years. At the same time, he became noted for his accomplishments in music, particularly as the conductor of the choral ensemble The Star-Scape Singers. He excelled at composing, painting and design and has been described by some as a New Age man, a man for all seasons, and a Renaissance man.

Mills was born in St. Stephen, New Brunswick in January 1923. He attended Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick. Trained from the age of 7 in music, he became a concert pianist, with debuts in Toronto in 1952 and New York City in 1961. Though he chose to end his career as a concert pianist in 1963, he concentrated on teaching piano and adjudicating young musicians for another ten years.

Mathew 27:46 Mark 15:34 and the Peshitta

And about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out with a loud voice and said,

One of the foremost Religious Science ministers

Stuart Grayson (1923 - 2001) was an American New Thought author and Religious Science minister, pastoring to Manhattan's First Church of Religious Science until 1999 and was the director of the Center for Creative Living. He was the Pastor Emeritus there until his death. Grayson appeared on a weekly television series airing in New York City called Creative Living. In 2005, he was referred to as "one of the foremost" Religious Science ministers.

New Thought Teacher

Fannie B(rooks) James (1854 – 1914)
New Thought Teacher
The Church of Divine Science founders were Malinda Cramer and Nona L. Brooks. Three others played decisive roles in Divine Science's formative period: Nona’s sisters Alethea B(rooks) Small (1848-1906) and Fannie B(rooks) James (1854-1914) as well as Katherine (Kate) Quiner Bingham (1849 - 1913) who contributed to Nona’s healing.

Teacher and Administrator
Alethea ( 1848 -  1906 ), the oldest of the Brooks sisters, played a key role in the establishment of the Colorado College of Divine Science, serving as its first President beginning in October 1898.  Along with Fannie B(rooks) James, she was instrumental in setting course for the Denver Divine Science activity, serving through the time that Nona Brooks committed to full-time ministry and leadership of the College and Church.