Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Promise

"You do not earn it; it is a gift, it is all grace. God's promise is unconditional; God's law is conditional." and comes in its own good time. If you do not experience it in this life, he said, "You pass through a door, that's all that death is, and -- you are restored to life instantly in a world like this, just this world" [and] you go on there with the same problems you had here with no loss of identity – not old, not blind, not crippled, if you depart this life that way, but young." In this restorationist afterlife, he said of people there, "They grow, and they marry, and they die there, too, with all the fear of death that we have here. And if they die there without experiencing The Promise, they are restored to life again and again in a place best suited to the work yet to be done in them. And it continues until 'Christ be formed in You' and as 'Sons of The Resurrection' you leave this world of death never to enter it again."

This is your destiny, yours to experience when your memory is restored.
It is he who speaks to you from within, and when he appears you will know him for you will be just like him. And as he rises in you all impossibilities will dissolve as you will realize that everything is coming into your world from within.

Listen to these words carefully and you will see that the Father never left you: "I came out from the Father." And where is the Father? In heaven. And where is heaven? Within! So I came out from within. The words "within" and "above" as well as "without" and "below" are the same in scripture. Coming out from within I see a world and "others" who have power over me. Now I want to leave the world and go to the Father. How is that done? By returning within, and since there is only one within where can I go that I can come again to be seen coming from without?

When you return to the source, the cause of all life, you will know that you and I are one. You will know it because there is only one Father and one Son. And when my Son calls you Father, memory will be yours and you will know the truth of what I say now, that I am in my Father and my Father is in me and I am in you and you are in me, for we are One.

Now let us go into the silence.

Neville - 1968

"Learn how to use your imaginal power,
lovingly, on behalf of others,
for Man is moving into a world where everything is subject to his imaginal power."

You have got to have a great persistence with yourself. You have to set yourself on the path again and so get along with yourself better. And let yourself have a chance. Never condemn yourself. We have the power to forgive ourselves. So set yourself right and then you will find you are sailing along smoothly and you are almost there and, flop, down you go. And again you have got to do it. It doesn't matter how much patience it takes; it is the only thing that will win out: perseverance and patience with yourself until you can see that each succeeding month your consciousness is learning.
~ Ernest Holmes

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