Friday, August 5, 2011

The art of revision.

I take my day and I review it in my mind's eye. I start with the first incident in the morning.

I go through the day; when I come to any scene in my unfolding day that displeased me, or if it didn't displease me if it was not as perfect as I thought it could have been, I stop right there and I revise it.

I re-write it, and after I have re-written it so that it conforms to the ideal I wished I had experienced, then I experience that in my imagination as though I had experienced it in the flesh.

I do it over and over until it takes on the tone of reality, and experience convinces me that that moment that I have revised and relived will not recede into my past.

It will advance into my future to confront me as I have revised it.

If I do not revise it, these moments, because they never recede and they always advance, will advance to confront me perpetuating that strange, unlovely incident.

But if I refuse to allow the sun to descend upon my wrath, so that at the end of a day I never accept as final the facts of the day, no matter how factual they are, I never accept them, and revising it I repeal the day and bring about corresponding changes in my outer world.


"All the world's a stage": Watching ourselves from the audience." ACIM Workshop Excerpt

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