Monday, February 29, 2016

Divine Goodness folds you round and bears you on.

What, then, is the miraculous message of mysticism?
Happiness is yours in the here and now. The painful states of anxiety and loneliness are abolished permanently. Financial affairs are not financial problems. You are at ease with yourself. You are not at the mercy of unfulfilled cravings. Confusion is replaced with clarity. There is a relieving answer to every tormenting question. You possess a True Self. Something can be done about every unhappy condition. While living in the world you can be inwardly detached from its sorrows to live with personal peace and sanity.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

There is no reality except the one contained within us.

When you’re one with God, then you also tend to see the God in other people, whether they are treating you like a Daddy, a Mommy, a son, or like a mosquito! Connirae Andreas
Virginia Satir was an American author and social worker, known especially for her approach to family therapy and her work with family reconstruction.
Her most well-known books are Conjoint Family Therapy, 1964, Peoplemaking, 1972, and The New Peoplemaking, 1988.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Happiness is an attitude.

The 92-year-old, petite, well-poised and proud lady, who is fully dressed each morning by eight o'clock, with her hair fashionably coifed and makeup perfectly applied, even though she is legally blind, moved to a nursing home today. Her husband of 70 years recently passed away, making the move necessary. After many hours of waiting patiently in the lobby of the nursing home, she smiled sweetly when told her room was ready. As she maneuvered her walker to the elevator, I provided a visual description of her tiny room, including the eyelet sheets that had been hung on her window. "I love it," she stated with the enthusiasm of an eight-year-old having just been presented with a new puppy. "Mrs. Jones, you haven't seen the room .... just wait." "That doesn't have anything to do with it," she replied. "Happiness is something you decide on ahead of time. Whether I like my room or not doesn't depend on how the furniture is arranged ... it's how I arrange my mind. I already decided to love it ... It's a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have a choice; I can spend the day in bed recounting the difficulty I have with the parts of my body that no longer work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the ones that do. Each day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open I'll focus on the new day and all the happy memories I've stored away ... just for this time in my life." From

Living Now

LIVE EVERY minute as it comes, just as though it were the only minute you had on earth. Let it be filled with love, joy, harmony, courage, faith, all that you hope to enjoy sometime in the future. Too many of us are putting off our good from day to day, from month to month, and from year to year so that we never quite catch up with it. Live now. Forget your troubles of the past and stop dreading the future.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

“Higher Shopping Service”

I cannot save you more time than you will let Me, but if you are willing to try the Higher Shopping Service, which also covers lower-order necessities and even quite a number of whims within reason. I have very good use for the time we could save.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Your task is not to seek for love, but
merely to seek and find all of the barriers within
yourself that you have built against it.
 ACIM Ch.16.IV.6

“The secret of demonstration is to conceive what is true in Being and to carry out the concept in thought, word, and act. If I can conceive a truth, there must be a way by which I can make that truth apparent.” (Prosperity, Charles Fillmore/37)

Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Doctrines of The New Religion Explained by an Earnest Believer
Man and God Are One in Being, in Eternal Identity, Says This Scientific Creed.
The individual begins life as a child, thinking childish things. As he develops into manhood he thinks as a man.
It is with the race as with the individual. Its consciousness is at first immature, but is ever ripening. Ideas are changing because of this growth. Truth is not changing, for it is unalterable. Man's conception of truth varies.
Who would have it otherwise? Who would wish to retard a child's natural growth, or to restrict the development of the race in consciousness? This growth must enter into the domain of religious ideas as well as into all other realms.
The present universal fermentation of religious thought is due to this increasing consciousness of the race. What place has Divine Science in the advancing ideas? Many steps have led from the first consciousness to the final understanding of truth. Divine Science knows itself to be a final step into the full consciousness to which the race is now awakening.
Divine Science is a perfect and complete science. In its reasoning it never departs from its basis or premise. It judges of truth wholly from principle, and teaches the divine law and order of demonstration.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Choose consciously, choose wisely, choose honestly. Choose happiness.

 “Lord heal me” is the only legitimate prayer. This also means

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Was the Robin Hood legend an amalgamation of

Robin Hood statue in Nottingham

The form of the thought determines the level of creation.

Sin -> “absence of love”

Sin is a man-made word with threat connotations he made up himself. No real threat is involved anywhere. Just because “nature abhors a vacuum,” which is true enough, it does not follow that a vacuum is filled with hellfire. Nothing is gained by frightening yourself, and it’s very destructive. Miracles need freedom from fear. Part of the Atonement value involves just that. The word “atone” really means “undo.” ABSENCE from FELICITY Page 229

The power of decision is all that is yours

“Sometimes words will limit fear; sometimes not. That is why some people hear words, some receive feelings of inner conviction, and some do not become aware of anything. Yet God has answered, and His Answer will reach you when you are ready.
Answers are not up to you. Any limit you place on them interferes with hearing. God’s Voice is silent and speaks in silence. That means that you do not phrase the question and you do not restrict the answer [meaning that it is best for us not to do so].

Asking is a form of prayer. It is not a demand. It is not questioning. It is not limitation. The only real request is for God’s Answer. This needs the humility of trust, not the arrogance of false certainty. Trust cannot lie in idols, for that is merely faith in magic. Trust requires faith that God understands, knows, and will answer. It means a state of peace. For this you can safely ask. In fact, if you do not feel that you have it, asking for it is the only real request that you can make.”

I am as God created me - This one thought is enough to save you and the world 
"This one thought would be enough to save you and the world, if you believed that it is true. Its truth would mean that you have made no changes in yourself that have reality, nor changed the universe so that what God created was replaced by fear and evil, misery and death. If you remain as God created you fear has no meaning, evil is not real, and misery and death do not exist." ACIM Lesson 110.1

Friday, February 5, 2016

NOW is the only time. Truth is true. Illusions vanish. Only the truth remains.

“There was a past, but it does not matter. It does not explain the past or account for the future.” Absence from Felicity page 286

About the question of karma

Thursday, February 4, 2016

truth will not be withheld from you

You are faithful to duty in whatsoever calling you may be placed - by nature. You will be proficient and efficient by saying always:

Work. Your new happy place.

Mark Higbie, senior advisor to Ford Motor Company, explains how the auto company began introducing mindfulness in the workplace.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Asking and Receiving

"Ask and ye shall have" sounds like something too easy and simple to be credible. But the disciple cannot "ask" in the mystic sense in which the word is used in this scripture, until he has attained the power of helping others.
Why is this? Has the statement too dogmatic a sound?


Here is my mind; I spread it out before Thee.

Monday, February 1, 2016

You cannot escape the results of your thoughts.

"As you think, you travel, and as you love, you attract.
You are today where, your thoughts have brought you;
you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you."
James Lane Allen