Tuesday, February 23, 2016

“Higher Shopping Service”

I cannot save you more time than you will let Me, but if you are willing to try the Higher Shopping Service, which also covers lower-order necessities and even quite a number of whims within reason. I have very good use for the time we could save.

Remember, the specific answer you get depends on the specific question you ask. The fewer limits you impose, the better, the answer you’ll get. Ex: You could ask where do I find a Borgana coat? Or where is the coat I want? Or where is the coat I should get? And so on. The form of the thought determines the level of creation. ABSENCE from FELICITY Page 231 (Helen S had been guided to a discount store where she got a better quality coat at a lower price and was able to give advice to the salesman who was there. How’s that for killing two birds with one stone)
Remember, the point is not about getting the THINGS we’re looking for, but it is about turning over the shopping experience (the minutiae) to Jesus, because he wants US to spend more time with HIM.

 “Certain pupils have been assigned to each of God's teachers, and they will begin to look for him as soon as he has answered the Call. They were chosen for him because the form of the universal curriculum that he will teach is best for them in view of their level of understanding.” Urtext M 3 A 1

T 3 C 34. Cayce’s mind was imprisoned to some extent by an error against which you have been cautioned several times. He looked to the past for an EXPLANATION of the present, but he never succeeded in separating the past FROM the present. When he said “mind is the builder,” he did not realize that it is only what it is building NOW that really creates the future. The past, in itself, does not have the ability to do this. Whenever we move from one instant to the next, the previous one no longer exists. In considering the body as the focus for healing, Cayce was expressing his own failure to accept this AS ACCOMPLISHED. He did not fail to recognize the value of the Atonement for others, but he did fail to accept its corrective merit for himself. urText Chapter 3 – Retraining the Mind
Plan ahead is good advice in this world, where you should and must control & direct where you have accepted responsibility. But the Universal Plan is in more appropriate hands. You will know all you need to know. Make NO attempts to plan ahead in this respect. urText T 1 B 4b.

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