Tuesday, October 22, 2013


A treatment must be..SITTING DOWN AND TURNING TO THE FATHER WITHIN AND SAYING - "WHAT IS THE TRUTH?..about business..about body..about health..about my neighbor..about this universal belief of war.." - and then letting the Divine Consciousness TELL IT TO YOU! You must yourself go WITHIN and let the Divine Consiousness give you a treatment. YOU do not GIVE the treatment. You RECEIVE the treatment from Divine Mind.Consciousness Unfolding - published by Joel Goldsmith
In the same way you have to exercise your physical muscles in order to rise against gravity, you have to exercise your miracle muscle in order to rise against the ego. Elisa Lionne
The whole thing with getting in shape is that you can’t read about becoming fit and expect to be fit. You can’t go to a workshop and listen to someone else talk about being fit and expect to get in shape. You have to actually exercise and the same is true for our spiritual fitness program. You’ve got to put some effort in. You can’t just go to the gym and watch everybody else work out and expect to get fit. http://jenniferhadley.com/2013/10/self-respect/

Guy Finley: Whenever someone hurts or disappoints you, remember that this person cannot do anything different than what he or she knows to do. Even though you are on fire, you can put your understanding first that this person would never be doing what they were doing if they knew better.Just because "I" comes before "U" in the alphabet doesn't mean it reflects the true order of things.
We often feel we have to compromise to fit in or get what we want. Yet what is the origin of our compromising? What are we afraid of?  If you feel you are compromising in any aspect of your life, it's worthwhile to ask yourself these questions, "Why am I compromising? What am I afraid of losing?" The answer to your questions will reveal the fear that prevents you from living as your true self. http://www.receiveyourlife.com
Elisa Lionne: The reason we can feel ashamed, angry, resentful – or whatever fearful emotion – for hours days, heck, even years and decades is because we continue thinking the same thought that triggered our emotional response. You Can Change Your Thoughts
Our health, wealth, employment, home, and harmony are then not dependent on some far-off God, are never dependent on a channel or person or place, but are eternally at hand, omnipresent, within our very consciousness; and the recognition of this fact is answered prayer. "I and my Father are one," and this accounts for the completeness of individual being. The Infinite Way by Joel Goldsmith

Your Grace is My Sufficiency - from "Practicing the Presence" by Joel S. Goldsmith
Father, I have great tasks today that are beyond my understanding and beyond my strength, and so I must rely on You to perform that which is given me to do. You have said that You are ever with me and all that You have is mine. Grant me the assurance today that Your love is with me, that Your wisdom guides me, and that Your presence upholds me.
Your grace is my sufficiency in all things. Your grace! I am satisfied, Father, to know that Your grace is with me. That is all I ask because that grace will be made tangible as manna falling from the sky, as a cruse of oil that never runs dry, or as loaves and fishes that keep ever multiplying. Whatever my need, Your grace provides for it this day.

I do not attack your ego. I do work with your higher mind, the home of the Holy Spirit, whether you are asleep or awake, just as your ego does with your lower mind, which is its home. (CH4, IV, 11.1:3)

It is impossible to experience your success if what you're measuring for doesn't align with your authentic self.
We're all measuring for something, whether we're conscious of it or not. The question is are you measuring for what you really want or what you think you should want? If we're measuring for what we want, there's a sense of peace and progress. For example if it is your dream to graduate from college, each time you complete a course your feeling of satisfaction will deepen.
However, if you are measuring for how many clients you have in a business you want to get out of, the feeling won't be quite as satisfying. You can always tell if what you're measuring for is a 'should' by the hollowness of the victory.
Bringing awareness to what you are measuring for can be both enlightening and highly transformative on the physical plane. Begin by choosing one area of your life where you have a lot of energy; it may be around your finances, career, relationships, health, hobbies or family.
Once you've made a decision ask yourself, "What am I measuring for in this particular area of my life." Then take it one step further by asking, "Is this something I want to be measuring for or is it something I believe I 'should' be measuring for." If you're not measuring for what you want, what could be a new measurement that would support what you value?
This exercise is a quick way to reveal those areas of your life where you're living less than the full expression of what you are. Measuring for what we don't want, or value, constricts our giving and receiving flow which affects both us and the people around us.
Affirmation: I measure my success by how fully I live my values. http://www.receiveyourlife.com

Lesson 295~The Holy Spirit looks through me today.
Christ asks that He may use my eyes today, and thus redeem the world. He asks this gift that He may offer peace of mind to me, and take away all terror and all pain. And as they are removed from me, the dreams that seemed to settle on the world are gone. Redemption must be one. As I am saved, the world is saved with me. For all of us must be redeemed together. Fear appears in many different forms, but love is one.
My Father, Christ has asked a gift of me, and one I give that it be given me. Help me to use the eyes of Christ today, and thus allow the Holy Spirit's Love to bless all things which I may look upon, that His forgiving Love may rest on me.

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