Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Your good is waiting to be claimed now!

"No one can be helped until he listens to something higher than himself, and no one listens until seeing the need to listen." VLH
Life becomes the way it is lived; and man may live the way he wants to live when he learns to think what he wants to think. Christian D. Larson Your Forces and How to Use Them (1912)

Trust the Divine Goodness every minute. ECH

John Bascom's Science of Mind (the "often unrecognized father of New Thought.")

Deliberately dare to slow down your life when everything in you -- or around you -- is screaming "Rush." ~ Guy Finley
Every thought has its own special and peculiar vibration, and the vibration within us is what establishes the relationship with the currents in this formless energy where we get the atoms for our body and environment.

We can establish an inharmonious relationship in many different ways; anger, hatred, fear, worry, anxiety, jealousy, criticism, condemnation, strife, resistance, resentment; any one of the many, many different destructive emotions will strike some chord in the universal energy with which it harmonizes, and it will attract to us, while we are on that key, while we are in that inharmonious condition, atoms which will make for destructive and inharmonious effects in our body and environment
But when we know the law, we know how to attune our body; we know how to get the vibration within which will relate us with the constructive things. These are as numerous as the destructive ones, in fact more so, and it takes only comparatively little of the constructive power, the constructive energy, to displace a great many destructive effects. When we know this law, we begin to change our bodily vibrations, using every method we know to make them more and more harmonious. HOW WE CREATE OURSELVES
New Thought Lectures
Volume 1.

"The day was coming, said George D. Herron (1862–1925), in which a truly Christian social order would exist on earth, the fulfillment in the here and now of God's Kingdom of Heaven. In such a society the ordering of things would be in accordance with His divine sanction." [Herron's full sermon appears in The Christian Society (1894), pp. 99-122.]

"You are more intelligent than your troubles. A king stood on his castle wall as the enemy approached below. When asked why he was unafraid the king said, 'He is bluffing - trying to make me think he has a thousand soldiers.' Never credit troubles with power. They have none. God rules over all. So you don't have to solve problems. You need only see thru them. When you shake over a problem, ask, 'Would this bother the king?' No, and it also can't bother your true and royal nature." Vernon Linwood Howard
Spirit, our true essence, is always bringing us to the light. We are never that far off from our true desires.
You may think you've wasted your life or made way too many mistakes, but when you take a deeper look you realize there has been a blessing in each situation. You may have gained more clarity about what you are and what you value, or you may have learned of the strength, courage and compassion that lives within you.
Spirit is always guiding you toward your good. When you surrender to this guidance you ride a wave of joy and satisfaction, but when you fight against your current the ride becomes rough and reckless. It is your choice as to which path you'll take. Yet, whether your ride is smooth or bumpy, you are always being carried through life. Spirit is on your side and wants what you want. When you awaken to the grace of Spirit your deepest desires are fulfilled.
You are always at the perfect place for the unfoldment of your highest good. Saying yes to Spirit opens the door, yet fear closes it.
Spend a few moments releasing any thoughts you may have about mistakes or wasted time. Spirit doesn't live in the past. Your good is waiting to be claimed now!
Affirmation: I am blessed by each life experience.

Learn how to view an event as if you were an uninvolved bystander seeing yourself going through it from the outside. It‘s part of a lot of therapies; NLP Morty Lefkoe,hypnotherapy etc. Steve Andreas mentions it for PTSD’s.

There is no place you can "go" that can change who you are, so why be in a rush to get there? Guy Finley […more…]

That which is real cannot be destroyed, but only that which is unreal. When a man finds that within him which is real, which is constant, abiding, changeless, and eternal, he enters into that Reality, and becomes meek. All the powers of darkness will come against him, but they will do him no hurt, and will at last depart from him. - James Allen
CBN 40 day prayer challenge: “Share the Prayer”

More limiting beliefs: "Nobody cares about me", "I am not important", "I am not worthy"; "No one cares", "I will never get better", "I am such a loser"

"Figure out WHO you are. Then everything will be okay. That's the answer to all life problems." ~ UNKNOWN (Actually someone passed me on the street and said that today)

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