Sunday, June 16, 2013

When you take the time to quiet your mind and listen, you become aware of Spirit infusing you with inspiration.

"I meet no one but me", is a puzzling statement. It's a mystic statement but it will have many practical applications. Everyone you meet is an outward reflection of something in your life that you need to deal with. And here’s the bitter pill: Whenever something or someone outside of yourself needs changing, you must go to yourself to make the change within yourself! "Everybody may not be ready for this eye-opening lesson, but once you understand it you will have the key to managing people and controlling conditions in your life." Rev. Ike
"Get excited about the fact that God is in you, if you want to experience the sweetness of life, you have to let your attitude toward life be,"HOW SWEET IT IS!" Rev. Ike

"Every time you find yourself being cross or disagreeable or starting to complain about how the world is treating you, stop and say, ‘I am filled with the joy of the Lord.' Immediately substitute positive thoughts for negative thoughts. The substituting of good thoughts for bad thoughts is the magic formula by which the bad is eliminated and the good created.” Clara Berenger

"Mental pain can be turned into insight. That insight then ends the pain. At the first appearance of pain you must stand aside to simply watch it flow through you. The very watching is a type of detachment which weakens the pain's mechanical flow. You understand a raging flood by observing it from the riverbank, not by letting it carry you away. Experiment with this." VH

Be strong, and of good courage. Your lot is not unfortunate, but on the contrary, is your best training ground; so be brave and fearless. This is your text to live by: "Yea the Almighty shall be thy defense, and thou shalt have plenty of silver." ECH

"The state of the Supermind cannot be described with words; it must be experienced by the individual seeker. It is best explained by what it is not. It is definitely not the conditioned mind. The Supermind is free of all negative conditioning. It has no fear, no painful cravings, no doubts. It knows everything needed to be known for a successful life and it is happy. The conditioned mind is that part of us which has been influenced and molded since birth. It is an acquired mass of opinions, beliefs, contradictions, and mechanical reactions, all of which get us into trouble." VH

Every movement of yours tells of energy needing to be expressed by perfect thoughts. Therefore, learn what is absolutely true. Then your thoughts will fall all about the people near you like rains of refreshment. Keep this truth night and day: "My kindness shall not depart from thee." ECH

False desires are what we pursue to be acknowledged or to gain approval. They keep us chasing our tails because they are not based on the truth of what we are. They are incapable of bringing us any lasting satisfaction or fulfillment.
We all have desires. For example, you may have the desire to write a book or build a business. Is it a false desire or a true desire? No one can answer that question but you. False desires are what you pursue when you are trying to overcome the belief that you're not "enough." You'll find yourself working harder to do more, be more, and have more -- all the while trying to fill something within you that you perceive is missing.
When you're following your true desires, it's not only about reaching a goal or achieving an end result. You love the process. You feel your oneness with Spirit and lose the sense of a separate self. When you take the time to quiet your mind and listen, you become aware of Spirit infusing you with inspiration.
Think of your three strongest desires.
Did you pick these desires to satisfy something you believe is missing within yourself? Are these desires based on the thought of scarcity? Or are these desires that your higher self want to express through you at this time?
Affirmation: Spirit speaks to me through my desires.

 Kids experience schadenfreude by age four, maybe earlier { schadenfreude? satisfaction or pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune }

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