Sunday, June 30, 2013

A child of God is a magnet for all good things.

The universe is the handwriting of God, and it is both self-organizing and self-correcting. Where there is lack, the universe is already planning to remove it from your circumstances. That is the Law of Divine Compensation. The only thing that can deactivate the Law is if you have more faith in the reality of lack than in the reality of the Law.”
--- From The Law of Divine Compensation ---
Persist in the studies you began. Learn that you are loveable and so your quaintness's are loveable. If you understand Divine Love, you are a healing radiance among the people. ECH

 “The universe knows if you were hurt and is already on the case to make right whatever occurred. Your anger if it lingers throws a wrench in the machine of the miraculous universe.” --- From The Law of Divine Compensation ---
How true. And frustration can lead to anger too. Something the flood victims may experience in Calgary Alberta or other place in the states.

There’s a comment on one about what the big deal with the Maya was. Not much. I was reminded in 1972, author Clifford Irving created a media sensation when he claimed to have co-written an authorized autobiography of billionaire Howard Hughes which turned out to be a hoax.

Every thought, every act, every habit, is the direct outcome of belief.
When our belief in a thing ceases, we can no longer cling to or practice it.
James Allen

"It is good to work with others on these ideas, but remain faithful to your inner task, never permitting a pleasant social atmosphere to take the place reserved for psychic growth." VH

“When you have hope and you have peace you can handle most anything.” Paul Henderson

Be full of courage in all you undertake, for if you trust in the law of Goodness you will have great success.ECH

Negative sense of self (Negative self-images or beliefs) from: The Law of Divine Compensation
“I’m not good enough.”
“I’m a loser.”
“ I don’t have what it takes.”
“My father [or mother, or teacher etc. ] was right about me. I will never amount to anything.”
“I’m dumb.”
“I’m a failure.”
“I don’t have enough talent.”
“I’m too old.”
“Nobody wants me.”
“Nobody appreciates me.”
“I’m a has-been.”
“All the good jobs have been sent overseas.”
“There’s no job out there for me.”
“It does no good to even try at this point.”
“I’ve been screwed over.”
“The system is f***ed.”
All good practice for Morty Lefkoe’s work, Byron Katie’s “The Work of Byron Katie” or The 4 Decisions etc.

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