Saturday, December 8, 2012


There are certain laws that govern music, certain laws that govern mathematics, still other laws that govern art. So, also there are certain laws which govern health, happiness and prosperity. These laws are mental laws and pertain to the thinking and feeling of the individual.

The first step to take in order to fulfill your desire is to "Seek ye first the Kingdom," the realm of Mindright thought, and herein you will solve your problems, and as a result health, wealth, and happiness will follow.
"Ye shall find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

The right way to think about money is that money is good and right to have and that it is not material but entirely mental as is all else. If you need money, think money. Money of itself is good; it is the erring sense about money that is at fault. Pure water is good and right to drink, halt it would work ill to the individual who drank too much of it at one time.

Let us learn of the law of prosperity, and be obedient to this law. It requires us to be good, to be trustful, to be active, to be courageous, to be patient. Faith is a mental quality to be acquired and cultivated. Without a live faith, which is the feeling of conviction, confidence and courage, creation cannot take place. We must have faith in Science, God, the same as we have faith in mathematics. Faith looks into the Kingdom, the invisible world, and there beholds Reality.

The law of Mind says that with God nothing is impossible. Think of it. That is, everything right that it is possible for you to think and feel you can do or have, You CAN DO AND CAN HAVE. Do not see God afar off or without you, sometimes giving and sometimes not giving. Make Nature, God, Life, Mind, (or whatever name you choose to use) as near and as certain to you as the law of mathematics. You never doubt in your heart but what if you make right use of the rules in mathematics you will obtain the correct answer.

You know that the rules in mathematics are already established, certain, fixed, inevitable, so you do not worry about this end of it; you merely endeavor to gain an understanding of these rules and their application, and, as certain as night follows day, you will obtain the correct results if you correctly apply the rules. So also there are rules and laws governing health, happiness, prosperity, and if we learn what these laws are, and apply them correctly, we must obtain the correct results.

Be good. Live the good thoughts that you think. Learn what right thoughts to think for the particular problem at hand. If you wish prosperity, then consciously and actually think thoughts of plenty, abundance, freedom.
No one will value you in excess of what you value yourself.

Suppose the universal belief is poor times, etc., do not let this wrong belief about Life enter your consciousness as true. You must see infinite abundance, the spiritual laws of Life as fixed, changeless and as governing you and your experiences in spite of "times," "friends," `business operations," etc. "A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall NOT come nigh THEE." Who? You who know and obey the true law of the Universe.
We must not alone want to take, to have our desires granted or fulfilled, but we must always be considerate of the feelings of those with whom we are in business relation and be willing to give as well as to take.

Take right thought into all of your affairs. You can start with one right thought and let it expand in consciousness until more right thoughts are formed and more understanding, which is true substance, takes possession of your consciousness. You cannot demonstrate things until you demonstrate thoughts, for thoughts precede things.

Without thought nothing has ever been or ever will be made to appear. So look unflinchingly over your visible external horizon and know that you have power within your own consciousness to bring about your desired good in your affairs. Trials are stepping stones very often and as we rise and overcome them we make our character stronger and more enduring.

The outer abundance is dependent upon our inner riches of thought. The more we know about Truth (true thinking) the more successful we shall be in all our affairs.

We do not sit still and let the blackboard solve the mathematical problems for us. The answers to the problems already exist in the invisible even before we take the chalk in our hands, but we are not conscious of them, and we have to think and act before these answers become known to us.

What seeds are you sowing in your mental garden?
Sow thoughts of wisdom and reason and reap Understanding.
Sow thoughts of health and harmony and reap health and harmony.
Sow thoughts of success and activity and reap prosperity and abundance.
Sow thoughts of love, faith, courage, poise, and reap that which is right and good, the fullness of your desires.
Plant your desires in all earnestness and expectancy, guard them with love and care, prune them with increasing wisdom and they will become for you the tree of life whose seed is in itself. Anyone can prove that the Word (thought) is seed, by planting it in consciousness. Do not be faltering, wavering, doubtful, nor uncertain, but strive in all your mental progress to achieve courage and patience.

See your desire as already fulfilled; that is, as thought is the one and only Creator, then, it is by seeing (thinking) your desire as realized now that the objectification takes place or the Word (thought) becomes manifested. In plain words, see and feel yourself in possession of that good which you desire.

This universe is One (uni) and God is One, hence all Life or being is the OneLife, OneGod. As God possesses all and is all so you in your very nature must have and must be that which God is.

The new heaven and new earth will come to us by degrees through renewed thinking and feeling until we are "changed from glory to glory" and become a new creature, born of God, Understanding; fearless, confident and pure, until we come "unto a perfect man . . . unto the fullness of Christ."
How to Have Abundance
by Lillian DeWaters
 Robin Duncan: Prayer for Paying Bills
Everything depends upon what we take as normal, for whatever is classified as normal is never investigated and therefore never understood. The mind first accepts something as normal and then carelessly slides over to assume it is also necessary. Homes and offices are filled with weary people who take weariness as necessary. Don't share their belief. Remove yourself from their ranks. –VH
The mercy and the peace of God are free. Salvation has no cost. It is a gift that must be freely given and received. And it is this that we would learn today. ACIM Lesson 343

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