Sunday, December 9, 2012


Soul-fragrance is pure thought,
In living words inwrought;
And in its essence lies,
Life's perfume in disguise.
Associated with the spiritual Light which has re-dawned upon the race during the last century, two presentations stand prominently before the world as its leading text-books.
First, "Science and Health," as the textbook for Christian Science, with Mrs. Mary B. G. Eddy as its author. Later, the "Builder and the Plan," as the text-book for the Science of Being, with Mrs. Ursula N. Gestefeld[1] as its author.Curious?
An outline of the relation between these two books may be thus stated. Mrs. Eddy, under the inspiration of the hour, threw upon the world a gigantic metaphysical Revelation, somewhat in confusion though not unavailable. Mrs. Gestefeld, a later teacher, afterward systematized and placed in orderly arrangement this wonderful, complex Revelation, supplying its missing links; so elaborating and elucidating it as to put it on such a sound, secure, mathematically correct basis that it cannot be overthrown.
Therefore, there is now presented to humanity through the efforts of these two, probably, greatest women of the age on their lines, a concise, homogeneous, demonstrable Science, which not only reveals from an irrefutable premise the nature of God, Man, and the Universe, but carries with it its own verification.
Mrs. Eddy, of whom too much cannot be said in praise of her indefatigable efforts to lay down fundamental Principles and their application, will, doubtless, live in history as one of the bravest and noblest of illuminated women, and many will bless her name from sunrise to sunset.
Mrs. Gestefeld, in whose honor too much cannot be said as the ablest Exponent of this Science, and additional revelations, will, also, live in history, while all students and lovers of logical presentation of Truth, past, present, and future, will breathe her name in benediction only, among the foremost of whom will be the writer, who is indebted to Mrs. Gestefeld for all her fundamental teaching. Hence she deems it but common justice to say, that unless one shall receive a newer, clearer, and higher revelation of Truth than has come through these two remarkable women, his or her work can be no more than an individualization of what has already been given in the way of Principles and systematization. But we are living in an inspirational age, and there is still more unrevealed knowledge to be given to the race through those who are open to receive it. Higher inspirations will be more direct, forceful, clear, available; not requiring from the recipient the toil, sweat, and effort the pioneers have experienced endeavoring to make themselves understood. Always, the higher the Revelation the more simple, until Truth shall stand before the world in all its native purity, pristine beauty, majestic simplicity, and almighty Power.
THREE REASONS why this volume is offered to the public.
  1. First, because the demand for literature of this character is continually increasing.
  2. Second, because other writers on this line of Thought may have overlooked, forgotten, or not yet received some valuable points which the writer walking in their footsteps over the same rich, exhaustless fields of Truth may have gleaned.
  3. Third, because each one's presentation of the subject will appeal to some one to whom another's may not. Hence there is room for all.
The science of sciences (1901)
Author of Between the Lines,
Remedies of the Great Physician,
Blossoms of Universal Truth,
Fruit from the Tree of Life,
Soul Fragrance.

I am not a material, physical being, but in my real and true nature I am spiritual in consciousness and body, because I am the Image of God, and God is Spirit. Neither am I sinful, sick, suffering, and dying, but divine, righteous, well, and immortal, because I am the Image of God, and God is Righteousness, Wholeness, Peace, and Life. I am not weak, limited, and ignorant, but strong, limitless, wise, and knowing, because I am the Image of God, and God is Strength, Wisdom, and Infinite Intelligence. God hath already given all things unto the Son,— which Son I am, because I am Its Image and Likeness,—therefore I recognize God as my only Substance; God my Cause, Creator, Source, in whom I live, move, and have my being; God my only Intelligence, Wisdom, Righteousness, and Strength. I recognize the Power of Omnipotent Good only; the Presence of Omniscient Love only; the Substance of Omnipresent Life only. God  is All in All. God is.
Love never faileth.
Truth heals all wounds and leaves no scars.
Between the Lines.
A Condensed Treatise on the Life and Health
as the Truth of Man's Being.

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