Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Law of Agreement

People are enslaved by ideas of lack; lack of love, lack of money, lack of companionship, lack of health, and so on.
They are enslaved by the ideas of interference and incompletion. They are asleep in the Adamic Dream: Adam (generic man,) ate of "Maya the tree of illusion"[1] and saw two powers, good and evil.
The Christ mission was to wake people up to the Truth of one Power, God.
Awake thou that sleepeth." Ephesian 5:14

Theme related blogs:
"Awake, you who sleep, and Christ shall give you light!"
The dream of unreality! 
If you lack any good thing, you are still asleep to your good.
How do you awake from the Adamic dream of opposites, after having slept soundly in the race thought for hundreds of years?
Jesus said, "When two of you agree, it shall be done." It is the law of agreement.
[1] There is an old legend that Adam and Eve ate of `Maya the Tree of Illusion' Therefore evil is a false law man has made for himself... has been hypnotized by the race belief (of sin, sickness, and death) which is carnal or mortal thought,"
"I am wide awake to my good, I never miss a trick."
Nothing can hinder, nothing can delay the manifestation of the Divine Plan of my life.
The Light of Lights streams on my pathway, revealing the Open Road of Fulfillment!

The Secret Door to Success, by Florence Scovel Shinn, [1941]

God is incapable of separation or division; therefore, my good is incapable of separation or division. I am one with my undivided good.
All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches me in a perfect way under Grace.
God's work is finished now and must manifest.
I serve only faith and my unlimited abundance is made manifest.
I am undisturbed by appearances. I trust in God—and He now brings to me the desires of my heart.
My good now overtakes me in a surprising way.
The Divine Plan of my life cannot be tampered with. It is incorruptible and indestructible. It awaits only my recognition.
There is no there—there is only here.
Reveal to me the way, let me see clearly the blessing which Thou hast given me.
Let Thy blessed will be done in me this day.
Hunches are my hounds of Heaven—they lead me in the perfect way.
All things I seek are now seeking me.
Divine Activity is now operating in my mind, body and affairs, whether I see it or not.
Since I am one with the Only Presence, I am one with my heart's desire.
I now have the single eye of the Spirit and see only completion.
I am a perfect idea in Divine Mind and I am always in my right place doing my right work at the right time for the right pay.
The Columbus in you will see you through.
I am an irresistible magnet for checks, bills and currency—for everything that belongs to me by Divine Right.
Thou in me art completion. As I have asked I must receive.
The law of God is the law of increase and I give thanks for increase under grace in perfect ways.
I dwell in a sea of abundance. I see clearly my inexhaustible supply. I see clearly just what to do.
My "World of the Wondrous" now swings into manifestation and I enter my Promised Land under grace!
Great peace have I who love thy law of nonresistance and nothing shall offend me.
Thou in me art Inspiration, Revelation and Illumination.
Nothing is too good to be true
Nothing is too wonderful to happen
Nothing is too good to last
"It shall not return unto me void but shall accomplish that whereunto it is sent." (Isaiah 55-11.)
"But I say, have they not heard? Yes, verily, their sound went into all the earth and their words unto the end of the world." (Romans 10-18.)
Your Word is Your Wand, by Florence Scovel Shinn, [1928]

Everett Shinn ( 1876 – 1953) was an American realist painter and member of the Ashcan School, also known as 'the Eight.' He was the youngest member of the group of modernist painters who explored the depiction of real life. He is most famous for his numerous paintings of New York and the theater and of various aspects of luxury and modern life inspired by his home in New York City. In 1898, Shinn married Florence Scovel, known as "Flossie", another artist from New Jersey. In 1912, he and Flossie divorced.

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