Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Mr. Question Mark

"Once upon a time there was a city called Weakland. It was called Weakland because that was the nature of its citizens. Everyone was weak, wishy-washy, un-strong. And because their character, their nature, their psychology was feeble, they acted it out. They lived out their weakness, and that meant that one weakling exploited and hurt and took advantage of another weakling. The result, of course, was enormous and never-ending suffering in all the people of Weakland.

However, there was one man who lived there who was also very weak, but there was something different about him, and I want you to develop this difference in yourself. He always had a question mark in his mind. He wanted to know things. 'What's this all about?' And he carried this out in his normal daily affairs. He was interested in science and in nature, what makes the world turn, and so on.

So, we’ll call him Mr. Question Mark because this was always going on in this man — why, how, when, who, where? He wanted to know. He wanted answers. And as he continued to live in Weakland, his questioning spirit turned more and more toward the very condition I just described to you.

He wanted to know why everything was so dark, depressed and everyone had a sense of futility about their lives. Even the most wealthy people in town had a vacant look on their faces, as if there were some deep dissatisfaction inside of them, which there was.

And Mr. Question Mark himself wondered why he was so quarrelsome, why he had so much suppressed hostility in him. Because he hurt. He hurt very badly, just as you do.

You hurt very badly all the time, don’t you?

Well, I want you to activate a question mark inside of you, which will lead you to the answer."

from a talk given 3/25/1990
Vernon Howard
 We stand together, Christ and I, in peace
And certainty of purpose. 
And in Him
Is His Creator, 

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