Saturday, September 8, 2012

You are Light and you are loved.

[Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. discusses our ongoing fear of the decision maker's once and for all choosing Jesus or the Holy Spirit as our teacher, and thereby awakening from the dream.]

In A Course in Miracles, it teaches us that when we listen to the voice of God, we will always be at peace and when we listen to the voice of the ego, we experience pain, discomfort and despair. 
 A friend is watching ancient mystery stuff. It’s nothing more than a carrot on a stick which misdirects you away from your real power, the Christ within. Did Nostradamus really predict anything relevant to today?
New Age, the 2012 phenomenon  and Fractal Time? Scholars from various disciplines have dismissed the idea of such cataclysmic events occurring in 2012. Professional Mayanist scholars state that predictions of impending doom are not found in any of the extant classic Maya accounts.

Steve Andreas has a guest blog from Ron Soderquist. It’s about role playing where the therapist has the client use Meryl Streep as an example and learns to role play to accept a situation. Ron Soderquist is a hypnotherapist and licensed Marriage and Family therapist in the Los Angeles area.
It pays to see professionals.
Fear is an emotion even though it is a strong emotion but it is simply an emotion.
To tame the fear monster there are a couple of things that your should do.

#1: Acknowledge that F.E.A.R stands for (False. Evidence. Appearing. Real)

#2: To overcome fear you must develop the mindset that you must face your fear with courage and an understanding that when you get to the origin of your fear that it really is nothing and you can overcome it.

#3: Set goals and focus on Personal Development to develop more confidence.
Dr. Rodger Murphree, D.C., has been in private practice since 1990. He is the author of "Treating and Beating Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome", "Heart Disease What Your Doctor Won't Tell You", and "Treating and Beating Anxiety and Depression with Orthomolecular Medicine".
“The world is awakening in a wonderful way to the truth about the creative power of the mind.” - Charles Fillmore, “Prosperity” 1936

"When you are confronted with one of your mis-creations from the past, you do not need to be afraid. This is because it is "the consequence of a misperception". If you think about that, it's not such a big deal. It's kind of like you created Frankenstein and when he starts to rise up against you, you can pull the plug. It is important to remember that you made him up, so in essence, you can un-create him. Your Higher Mind(Holy Spirit/Christ within)  will always assist you in the "undoing". Never go to your own mind for healing, for it is your own mind that got you into the situation you are in. Always go to your Higher Mind for the healing. Surrender your fearful thoughts as soon as you notice them and ask that they be healed for you and restored to peace. If you go to your own mind for healing, it will always lead you back to the same cycle of pain, lack and despair. ~ Excerpt from Miracles in Money Emergency Handbook
Someone I know emailed mentioning Reiki, Mediumship, Sedona, Abraham and EFT as part of their path. And then also mentioned Access Consciousness(a "hinge moment"). (And the “Group”? (The Expanded Dictionary of Metaphysical Healthcare, Alternative Medicine, Paranormal Healing, and Related Methods) is quite expansive.
I saw a comment on a website about an author that quoted ACIM and other books that weren’t in line with the teachings. They missed the point that both authors were from the same publishing company. The practise continues. I’ve googled to check out credentials. Elizabeth Towne ran a publishing company in the early 1900s. William Atkinson wrote about “New Thought” but also wrote on the Occult using aliases. Books sell. New Age sells. Does the author write their own books or do they have a ghost writer. 
When you let go of the ego, you are aware that you are not the individual self that you thought you were and that was always defining both the problem and the solution. When you let go of the ego, there is nothing left in your mind but love, and then your perception is identical with the Holy Spirit's. You are aligned with Truth, not illusion.
Miracles for Daily Living is a collection of resources for individuals and training for practitioners including Audio Lectures, Meditations, Videos and other tools delivered right to your email box for free.

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One gift is an Audio Lecture called "Self Acceptance." This recording will teach you the difference between your Higher Mind (the place of Divine Wisdom) and your lower mind (or the ego), and how to tell which one you are listening to.

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