Monday, September 3, 2012

“End of the World” times?

Your whole lifetime, in this moment, right here, right now, is over, done, gone, ended, and now, now, now and forever now is your opportunity to notice where time isn’t. You create what you believe, the very moment you believe it. Do you still believe that you truly know what anything is? What is real? The Byron Katie Newsletter
”If you are fearful, you’re living in the future, if you are depressed, you’re living in the past When your mind is clear, no one lives beyond identity and that is the end of what has never lived. It is the end of 'death.'”

With honest and straightforward simplicity, I am here to tell you that you can never be free of personal trials and tribulations until you make your own discovery of Reality, God. You will never find more than the most temporal, ephemeral happiness until you make a personal discovery of God, Isness—until you get off your soft sofa and actually make your own determination of Reality, of Truth, of Fact. You will never permanently rid yourself of the grind and grate in the pit of the stomach nor find yourself free of that feeling of impending doom until you make your own, individual determination of exactly what God is to you!
You, dear Reader, are AWARENESS. You are not a big tub of ego with a personal name that has had Awareness reporting to it! “2+2= REALITY” By William Samuel

If you are reading this it is because you desire to hear the Voice, a still small voice, yes, but never-the-less the Voice of God. When you hear It, you recognize something strangely familiar about it, and then you come to realize that it is your own voice. It brings all things to your remembrance and bears witness of the Truth to you. It brings you peace and brings you understanding. It is the Voice of Revelation, and you stand right in the midst of it. You stand right in the midst of a great Light (understanding) just as Saul did on the road to Damascus. And in the Light you hear and you know It is the most secure place you could ever be. “GOD in a Box” by Jane Woodward

The purpose of ACIM is to guide the mind into an experience to show that the thoughts the mind thinks it thinks and the world that it thinks it sees are actually the same. There is no world outside the mind.

Jesus-Doves-Walking on Water

Not wanting to change what is comes a state of mind that is literally unimaginable.

The enlightened mind is the mind that you can find no valid reason to shut down.

To understand our own thinking is to understand all thinking.

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