Sunday, September 2, 2012

America for Jesus 2012.

Stand with thousands of other like-minded Christians and be a part of history by letting your voice be heard at America for Jesus 2012. The event will be held on Independence Mall in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence was signed, the Constitution of the United States was ratified, and the Bill of Rights was established.
Jesus-Blue Water
Pray in your own words. Speak plainly to God; ask at once for what you want. Name persons, name things, and make a straight aim at the object of your supplications, and I am sure you will soon find that the weariness and dullness of which you often complain in your intercessions, will no more fall upon you; or at least not so habitually as it has heretofore done. True Prayer—True Power!
Where has the church Spurgeon talked of gone when he once said he would not adjust the Bible to the age, but rather seek to adjust the age to the Bible? Charles Spurgeon Movie
It was said of John Bradford that he had a peculiar art in prayer, and when asked for his secret he said, "When I know what I want I always stop on that prayer until I feel that I have pleaded it with God, and until God and I have had dealings with each other upon it." I never go on to another petition till I have gone through the first." . True Prayer—True Power!
"Remember, the Lord will not hear thee, because of the arithmetic of thy prayers; he does not count their numbers. He will not hear thee because of the rhetoric of thy prayers; he does not care for the eloquent language in which they are conveyed. He will not listen to thee because of the geometry of thy prayers; he does not compute them by their length, or by their breadth. He will not regard thee because of the music of thy prayers; he doth not care for sweet voices, nor for harmonious periods. Neither will he look at thee because of the logic of thy prayers; because they are well arranged, and excellently comparted. But he will hear thee, and he will measure the amount of the blessing he will give thee, according to the divinity of thy prayers. If thou canst plead the person of Christ, and if the Holy Ghost inspire thee with zeal and earnestness, the blessings which thou shalt ask, shall surely come unto thee." True Prayer—True Power!

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