Saturday, November 16, 2013

When your thoughts, your words, and your actions align with your authentic self, …

you feel it. There is a peace that washes over you. And you know you are in harmony with your authentic self.

Be sure to stop and consider well before you make any move, which will hurt or grieve another. There is a Principle of Goodness waiting for you to be one with it in action, speech, and thought. Here is your word: “Whom have I in heaven but thee? I love and adore Thee above all things.”ECH

"Live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now."Viktor Frankl

false-hood breaks you down to keep you down,
but truth breaks you down to build you anew. VH

A tool to help anyone who faces rejection. Inspired by psychological research showing that after people experience pain they are less afraid of it in the future. Just choose your favored style of repudiation, type in your email, and in minutes you’ll receive a dream-destroyer in your inbox. We regret to inform you that the site is designed for writers trying to sell manuscripts to publishers — but its results can apply to anyone, even you. Visit the Rejection Generator Project.

“the 1911-1919 diary of Gordon Christian Eby, Mennonite farmer”
A curiosity of the region, events and when Berlin, ON became Kitchener, ON

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