Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gratitude is my prayer.

"Check and correct your aims every day to make sure they lead toward higher goals." VH
Practicing gratitude for our lives as human beings – for the air we breathe, for our magnificent bodies, and the beauty of being alive – is a wonderful place to start. From this point of view, we can expand our gratitude outward, like ripples in a still pond, appreciating everything and everyone we encounter and those who touch our lives as well. Oprah & Deepak
Gratitude is a lesson hard to learn.

If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. Meister Eckhart

Thank You” – 10 Formulas To Master Gratitude

“Divine Will. Divine Will. I trust to the Divine Will that endureth forever.” ECH

What seems to be the second place is first, for all things we perceive are upside down until we listen to the Voice for God. It seems that we will gain autonomy but by our striving to be separate, and that our independence from the rest of God's creation is the way in which salvation is obtained. Yet all we find is sickness, suffering and loss and death. This is not what our Father wills for us, nor is there any second to His Will. To join with His is but to find our own. And since our will is His, it is to Him that we must go to recognize our will. Lesson 328

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