Monday, November 18, 2013

“What do I want?”

If there are times when you feel lonely, unloved, deliberately erase these feelings by refusing to entertain them in human mind. Know that God loves you. ~ I dwell in the oneness of eternal love. I draw to myself those whom I can bless and those from whom I can receive a blessing. My life is surrounded with friendship and love. Pure love comes forth from me and all feel good in my presence. My personal life is beautifully harmonized. I am fulfilled and happy.

There can be no personal peace without personal responsibility.
The responsibility in life toward our own inner awakening. VH

“What do I really want?”

The human mind must deny believe in lack, indecisiveness, in harmony, and helplessness. And positively affirm in faith God’s life within our life, God’s guidance and God’s love. ~ The light of God fills my mind. I make right decisions in all that concerns me. I am Divinely inspired and I understand in human mind the inspiration I receive. I know exactly what to do and I do it.

Be open to whatever answers come to you.

“The best way to grow?“~Do the impossible.”~ Kenneth G Mills

If your body is in need of healing, stop telling yourself how sick you are, how weak, and how tired, and stop all belief that you will not get better.~ Through the touch of God I am strong, well, harmonious in every part of my body. My body responds to the direct intervention of God and I now express radiant health NOW.
Don't let go of your thoughts
Meet them with understanding.
Then THEY let go of you.

Should there be an appearance of lack, or shortage of funds, erase from your human thinking and conversation thoughts like, “I don’t have enough money to cover expenses.” ~ God provides me with all that I require and MORE. RIGHT NOW God’s supply comes to me from every direction. My cup runneth over. With God’s help all my obligations are met with plenty to spare.

And as illusions go I find the gifts illusions tried to hide, awaiting me in shining welcome, and in readiness to give God's ancient messages to me.
 I can give up but what was never real. ACIM

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