Thursday, November 14, 2013

START un-doing.

You will get praise and honor among the people where you dwell by believing this message: “It shall come to pass that while they are yet speaking I will hear. Praise ye the Lord.” ECH

"Thoughts and moods that roam around the dark jungle of your inner self must be brought to the surface. That is basic, fundamental. Never forget it. The spiritual light exists for the purpose of shining down on the malicious marauders inside you, shining down and in it’s warmth and health and purity the spiritual sunshine can destroy the unconscious evils that make you miserable.
But you have to do something about the contact of the sunshine with the darkness. Your part is to allow yourself to see what is murky and foggy down there which is the same thing as bringing it up to the sunshine.

You don’t have to destroy evil. There’s no way you can. An evil man can’t destroy evil. An evil man, evil woman can know that it’s there, which is the very elevation which brings it up from the dark caves to the surface of the earth where then the sunshine can come down and dissolve it, put an end to it absolutely.
Think of how you are attacked, how you’re bothered annoyed and know that that condition exists because you haven’t done your necessary proper work of allowing God to get rid of it."

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." Mark Twain

Don't you see how the Law of Harmony, the Law of Attraction worked out? When we watch these things, we see again and again that it is not the thing we do but it is the consciousness, the understanding, the harmony with which we do it; and that is why I have said many times, in the matter of collections, "Don't give because you feel it is your duty. Don't do anything under the law of duty, but do what you feel it a blessed privilege to do; that will help me in this work, because from that plane of consciousness it is not only constructive to you, but to me as well." F. W. SEARS,

I need to
I need to get rid of ______________
I need to lose my _______________
I need to clean out my ___________
Are you absolutely positive you need to "lose" or "get rid of" ANYTHING?
The burden of having these thoughts, and feeling like they’re NOT going away, is very "weighty".
It's the work of that hyper-critical Voice. [Stop The “Little Voice” in Your Head by Morty Lefkoe]

Who would you be without the thought that you need to lose this, lose that, lose them, lose this thing, this hardship, this situation?

 I don't need to lose ANYTHING. MY THINKING needs to lose SOMETHING.
How to Stop Suffering: Morty Lefkoe at TEDxHoboken
Questioning your beliefs about Earning Money and Working can allow you to see that you are enough, and that even just a small course correction of 1 degree in your attitude and your thinking can change your entire future.

“Whenever I want an object, it’s not really the object I want. I want the experience the object will give me. Even if it’s a secure life and lots of money, what experience will I get when I have that? Is it here now? Is there anything deeper than that? And deeper than that? It will lead you right back into a state of presence….WHY you’re wanting is because the fulfillment is already there, trying to get your attention!” ~ Adyashanti

Stop comparing. Stop defending. Stop protesting. Stop arguing.
START un-doing YOUR story.

Guy Finley: A painful regret is a needless present pain over an experience now past, where a misstep becomes the seed of a misery mistakenly carried forward, instead of a lesson learned and then dropped. [Full story]

This Spirit of God will guide you into prosperity and joy. Repeat this text until it is bone of your bone: “My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” ECH
You are the sum total of your thoughts.
What you are today is the result of all that has gone on before.
One thing is certain – no matter what the experience of your life may be, you would not change places with anyone else. You are a unique creation. Something in you has always recognized the truth of God's goodness. Even when going through hard and difficult experiences, God helps you find your way, and you gain and grow. Good comes out of every experience no matter how bad it is at the time, if you allow God to work through you.
"The basic cause of distress is separation from oneself." VH

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