Sunday, April 7, 2013

What is the thought that is preventing you from moving forward?

I am happy and grateful that I joined The Blog Farm
I am happy and grateful that I Blog with Integrity

I like this Marriage Equality: Just Do It.
Someone who understands Commitment.

I look forward to meeting that someone to marry and to reciting this at our wedding.

Let me tell you that your whole inner world is against you because you allowed it (ego, small ‘I’) to take possession and you haven’t come to the intelligent place where you can begin to kick it out, put it out of your life once and for all by realizing that you can invite the true nature ( big ‘I’, Christ within). VH

When you are aligned with your purpose, there is no power in the universe great enough to stop you.
There is an energy within you that is yearning to be expressed. When this energy is unobstructed, amazing and powerful things happen. You receive inspiration, take action and observe its manifestation in the world. When you are on purpose with your life, you enter a current that calls you forth.
When your energy is blocked you can feel yourself struggling and spinning your wheels. Spirit wants to express through you, but your limiting beliefs won't allow it. It is terribly frustrating to have clarity on your purpose, and yet not be able to experience the creation of it. Once you understand how you block your flow, you can move toward greater freedom.
If you are not currently taking action on the inspiration you are receiving, notice where the energy gets stopped.
What is the thought that is preventing you from moving forward? 
Aware of the thoughts that stop me,
I pick a new thought and get back on track with my life.

You are the spirit lovingly endowed with all your Father's Love and peace and joy. You are the spirit which completes Himself, and shares His function as Creator. He is with you always, as you are with Him. You are the spirit in whose mind abides the miracle in which all time stands still; the miracle in which a minute spent in using these ideas becomes a time that has no limit and that has no end.
Spirit am I, a holy Son of God, free of all limits, safe and
healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world.
Lesson for April 7th, 2013

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