Monday, April 29, 2013

WE are Light and WE are Loved

Anytime that two or more beings commune in the energy of love, unconditional love, there is a blessing. That was in an email from a friend.
Your thoughts are copied unaware until you learn this text: "My help cometh from the Lord." You are supremely original when you receive your illumination straight from Principle and not person. Bind this motive to your heart: "God is my sun and my shield." ECH
And she also wrote:  

When you are able to be out of judgment and see each other as maginificent beings of light and love-then you are in love. This is not the love that  planet earth has named-for that love is entangled with so many rules and conclusions, that you make it hard sometimes to feel it. But when you step out of judgment and allow yourself to be in gratitude for another, for their being then their being steps into that with you. It may be in a small way that if you don't pay attention, you will miss and it may be in a large way that blows your socks off! Each of us has the same need to be seen as not broken-perfect in the perceived imperfections. We are all playing at being human and some of us are very, very good at it. So good that we forget we are more than that. WE are not broken and there is nothing to be fixed.
She also mentioned she met a sweet four year old girl at a wellness convention and that the little girl could read her mom’s thoughts. And that my friend felt the little girl was being bombarded by the judgements and conclusions as people saw her since she may have been picking up their thoughts too.

Actually, that little girl is light years ahead of most of us. She’s just tuned in to the wRONGmIND, or the RACE mind as Hopkins put it[RACE CONSCIOUSNESS. , "Let me remember that myself is nothing and that my Self is all" ], instead of the RightMind. Horatio Dresser addressed his views on telepathic communication and that amongst his family. A man of conviction and Telepathy: Thought-transference: Inner Experiences.
"Mind affects mind."~P.P.Quimby

"Minds are joined; bodies are not."~ACourseInMiracles
“Thoughts Are Things”~ Prentice Mulford
Well, now you may think that it’s easy to want to hear, but it becomes very difficult when that hearing requires you to set your entire past aside.
Now, you of your usual, habitual nature, you do not want to set your past aside, you want to think about it, you want to roll in it, get excited about it. You want to recall past experiences, miserable or happy, because they seem to confirm that you are a continuous self.
This is only the repetition of thought, not the repetition of you. And if you understood that one thought from this talk it would be worth driving ten thousand miles to come to hear just that one thought and understand it.
There is a way to be happy, it actually exists. You haven’t found it, you’ve found thrills and achievements and you found ego-victories and you found a few relationships that seem to satisfy you, but you’ve never found happiness, you don’t even know the meaning of the word in the true meaning of it.
VH from a talk given 1/6/1988

You have great powers of endurance if you have kept this saying: "I can do all things through Christ." You may be tenacious in your own way when you realize that it is right. Keep this text: "the tongue of the wise is health."ECH
Truth will correct all errors in my mind.
I am mistaken when I think I can be hurt in any way. I am God's Son, whose Self rests safely in the Mind of God.
To give and to receive are one in truth.
I will forgive all things today, that I may learn how to accept the truth in me, and come to recognize my sinlessness.

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