Sunday, April 28, 2013

Once you see a belief as a belief and not the truth it is already beginning to lose its grip on you.

When I first began to mesmerize and as I became interested in the experiments, I found that the subject could see through matter. I could not help believing this and it showed me that matter could be seen through by a clairvoyant; so it became not an opinion but a truth to me. I also found that all that man's senses embraced could be seen and felt by a person whose bodily senses were dead, if we judged by the body. All this became a wisdom, not a belief, but a part of my identity. So what is a belief to the world concerning these things was to me a truth. My next aim was to become a clairvoyant myself, and as I became convinced that matter was only a medium for our wisdom to act through, I could see how it could be transformed and the senses or clairvoyant state be attached to any idea the natural man might think of. The two kinds of reasoning make up the natural man. Both modes of reasoning can be carried into the clairvoyant state for this does not embrace reason. Spiritualism: Death of the Natural Man March 1861
The good news about beliefs is that they are not permanent. Once you see a belief as a belief and not the truth it is already beginning to lose its grip on you.

You may have the belief I'm not good enough or I can't have what I want, but those are just beliefs; decisions you made based on what you were told or interpretations you made while looking out into the world.

We often identify ourselves by our beliefs. The truth is, we are so much more than the labels we attach to ourselves. We lock ourselves into certain behaviors through habit. 

When you're able to discern between your limiting beliefs and your guidance from within, you have a choice. You no longer have to be imprisoned by your beliefs. There is a way through.

Listen to the thoughts that are floating in your mind. What do you hear? Do you hear, I can't ... I'll never ... I'll always ... I'm not ...? If what you are hearing diminishes you in any way, you know you are listening to a limiting belief and not to Spirit.

Affirmation: My limiting beliefs do not reflect the truth of who I am.

You can react toward anything that happens to you in a way that retains your happiness — if you really want your happiness more than anything else. VLH

God's peace and joy are mine.
Today I will accept God's peace and joy, in glad exchange for all the substitutes that I have made for happiness and peace.
Let me be still and listen to the truth.
Let my own feeble voice be still, and let me hear the mighty Voice for Truth Itself assure me that I am God's perfect Son.

Your life forces generate rapidly. You are a zealous friend, let your morning judgments control your day. Say' at night: "Create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit within me."ECH

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