Sunday, April 21, 2013

Anyone can change direction at anytime.

I am happy and grateful Democratic Republic of the Congo became the newest reader of my blog April 18th.

A story from ancient Egypt tells of a young prince who lived with his father, the Pharaoh, in a palace along the banks of the River Nile. Restless, as young men are, the prince set out one morning in search of adventure. The Pharaoh warned, "Stay near the safety and refreshment of the river. Don't wander into the dry desert."

The prince heeded the advice for a while. But curiosity and carelessness led him away from the Nile and into the desert. He soon lost his sense of direction. Confusion and anxiety set in.
The pangs of thirst and the dangers of wild beasts, made every step a torment. The Pharaoh, watching from afar, saw his son's despair, but could not help. Under Egyptian law, anyone who willingly wandered into the desert had to find his own way back. There was a way out, but every wanderer had to see it for himself.
Sensing that his suffering was needless, and that there was a way out, the prince went to work. By persistently eliminating each false direction in turn, he finally found his way back to the palace.
That story applies to the physical world, but has a perfect parallel in your mental world.
Picture a green oasis in the middle of the desert, rich with cool water and refreshing shade. It offers a peaceful and healthy life.

A mile away, out in the hot desert, a man is lost. But he is close enough to the oasis to catch a glimpse of it He can see the difference between the greenery of the oasis and the gray sands around him. Because he can see merely that much, he is encouraged to find more. And so he heads for the oasis, growing closer, richer, with each step.
But take another wanderer, three miles distant from the oasis.
Because he is farther away he is less likely to look and be encouraged. So he turns in the wrong direction and wanders even farther and farther away. Because he can see nothing of the oasis he wanders in despair and bitterness. In that state he is likely to see an illusionary oasis, a mirage. And so his life is wasted in stumbling toward one illusion after another.
The point is this: The closer we come to the Truth the more we value it. Then, because we value it more, we come even closer.
That is why the rich get richer. They earn it with their own effort.
Any wanderer can change direction at anytime. No one needs to be lost. Any man or woman, through right action, can find the oasis.
WE must wake up!

Do not forget how little you have learned.
Do not forget how much you can learn now.
Do not forget your Father's need of you,
"No human being on earth can ever be indifferent to the existence of truth and its power. It is impossible for any man or woman any where any place anytime to ignore truth to push it away, try to escape it.
It’s impossible to say that the truth doesn’t exist for the simple fact that it does.
There are few human beings who understand what I just said, which is that truth can never really be escaped, not really, you can try but you can’t succeed. Those few human beings realize that Truth, Power, God, Reality are always present. It is always here. I didn’t say you know it. I didn’t say you’re connected with it, but Truth is always here.
Those few human beings who’ve decided that they want to
awaken from the sleep of ordinary life, those few human beings who realize the permanence and the constant Truth being with you, those few who realize that are the wise human beings who one day with the continuing right spirit will make contact with the Truth that can change the kind of a person that they are." VH
I am happy and grateful Curaçao read my blog April 16th.

 Picture yourself standing in a long, dark hall with dozens of windows covered by drapes. You pull aside one of the drapes to gain a bit of light as well as a first glimpse of the lovely world outside. You uncover a second window to have even more light and land. You pull aside more and more drapes, permitting additional clarity and perception.
That illustrates the positive pleasure of awareness, of inner perception. Work to gain more. Understanding is the golden touch that transforms you and your world. Understanding has a very distinct feeling; it is a unique process.
It changes you-internally and outwardly-into the kind of person you want to be. VH

Miracles are seen in light.
I cannot see in darkness.
Let the light of holiness and truth light up my mind, and let me see the innocence within.

Miracles are seen in light, and light and strength are one.
I see through strength, the gift of God to me.
My weakness is the dark His gift dispels, by giving me His strength to take its place.
Your intuitions are good. When you seem to be stubborn it is really an instinctive self -protection you are exercising. Stand for your intuitions. Repeat these words: "God is my Judge." ECH
Beliefs are neither good nor bad. They only become a problem when they conflict with what you value.
When your beliefs try to convince you that you should abandon yourself to fit in or survive, you lose your sense of self. You find yourself going through the motions of what is expected of you while leaving your true self behind.
After a while, living a fragmented life can wear you down. You give up hope and start believing that what you do doesn't matter. You may have temporarily lost your way, but Spirit never gives up on you. When you understand and have compassion for why you are experiencing an inner conflict, you can bring your actions back into alignment with your values.
How much of your day is spent doing what you "should" be doing?
Does your day reflect what you value, or do you find yourself struggling to make it through?
If you have the experience of life being hard, know there is a better way for you.

Let no one lead you. Make all your decisions when you are alone. Be jealous of no one. Rest in the knowledge that there is a principle of Right that rules. Keep this text: "He doeth all things according to Righteousness." ECH

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