Sunday, October 14, 2012

the "New Heaven and New Earth."

We should understand right now that we are Totality; that nothing exists outside of us: there is nothing, therefore, which can or does oppose us. I am Self- Being-Spirit. I am one Infinitude, one Totality, one All-in-all. From this basis, we can see clearly that nothing is to be considered as originating elsewhere than in us.
When we are not dwelling in the God-state, but turn from it, it may then be said that we represent the "prodigal"; that we "sleep and dream;" that we function as "man."
Now, then, when you sleep, and in your dream see a world of people, landscape, animals, and so forth, these are, of course, all within you, still you see them as though they were "out there," do you not? In like manner, the very people, animals, land, water, et. cetera, which you behold in your waking state, and have called the "without", are not external at all, for the simple reason that inasmuch as you are conscious of them, they exist in and of you; in fact, nothing that we see is ever external to us for we are the infinite ALL.
Any one of us may believe or say that 2 plus 2 are 5, but none of us can ever actually see it. From this simple illustration we can understand that incorrect answers to Life and Being may be mentally experienced, but never actually seen: such experience is like any dream. There are no events in a dream; no reality to it. All the time the Self, his world, and his true experience continue on, uninterrupted. The practice of the Self, therefore is its practice of Reality. The Self practices being the perfect Self, being intelligent, perfect Mind; practices living in the perfect world where there is no evil anywhere. In no other way can we practice the living Truth which we are, and function as the Christ consciousness.
Indeed, the "new heaven and new earth," which we are destined to see and experience as it really is, is not another dwelling place, but...
the same world seen in the correct way.
There is no such thing as two worlds, one without and one within us; one unreal and temporal, the other real and eternal. These are but two ways of looking at the same thing. To actually understand and accept this world before us as the genuine, the real and the true, brings one into a new sense of things altogether. …
So long as we are conscious of discord or limitation, and accept it as real or true, we are not functioning our mind from the standpoint of Reality, but of the dream. In order to see and feel our Perfection as it really is, we must operate as the Christ consciousness, the Mind that is without dream. True or Christ-consciousness can know no limitation or distress of any kind; ever it can have perfect confidence in its work: for knowing the Principle or Reality involved, it knows the result is assured. Therefore through our Christ-consciousness we come into our perfect experience called Heaven.
If I am conscious of some disharmony or discord, or accept it in thought (Mind), then I am living and thinking in a dream. Therefore in order to waken, I must begin at once to think and act from the basis and standpoint of my Reality. I must identify myself as the Christ-consciousness, the Mind which remains awake; and is not dreaming. Thinking as the Christ-Mind, I soon find my peace, wholeness and harmony to be present, and intact.
You may ask, how can it be true that I can think good, and evil; I can do right, and wrong; I can remain awake, and go to sleep, yet still declare, "I am the Truth; I am God; I and my Father are one"? Again you may ask, I read that God is unchangeable invariable, absolute, without shadow of turnings therefore how can I reconcile myself with God? In only one way; by seeing that God means your perfect state of Being! The word God means Good, Perfection, Reality. Therefore, as light can never be darkness, so also Perfection is never imperfection. God is invariable and immovable. God includes the Perfection of the Self, body and universe. Reality never changes! It is without beginning or end. God is our Reality, unalterable and intact.
This fact I must prove for myself. I must find out all this for myself. This is the joy of my existence. As the answers to all mathematical problems are included in its principles, to be reached through intelligence and insight, so our answers, our fulfillments called Happiness, Health, Harmony, Peace and Prosperity, are all included in God, our Perfection, our Principle and Reality, to be discovered and experienced as we seek and find, knock and have it opened, speak and have our word come to pass.
How much of mathematics would one know without participating in the solution of its problems? Little or none. How much of God, or Perfection, can we know and experience without bringing our hearts and thoughts into the awareness and recognition thereof? Little or none. While we sleep, we deprave ourselves of the awareness and activity of our waking states do we not? Yet in our sleeping dreams, we may waken ourselves to our normal state. Likewise now and here, while we seem to be confronted with problems called lack or limitation of any kind, we may indeed waken to our Reality, our perfect Self, body and universe, untouched by any dream; beautiful, luminous, irresistible. But we must so choose! We must so desire! We must so insist upon doing!
All the time we sleep and dream, everything there is of us is in our waking state, -- our life, our intelligence, our body, our world. Now, then, in order for us to leave the dream, we should think of our waking state; this in itself will force an awakening. Therefore, if you are in a mental sleep, dreaming discord of any kind, turn yourself to your waking state, which is your perfect state, and think of it as your genuine Reality; and here you must dwell.

The Practice Of Reality
by Lillian DeWaters

Lillian DeWaters had the same message as William Samuel, Jane Woodward and ACIM.
And she stressed reading doesn't accomplish much. It's the actual DOING that counts.  

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