Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Beliefs are the meaning we give (usually) to a series of events. Beliefs are broad generalizations, for example, I am …. People are …. Life is …. A belief is a statement about reality that we feel is the truth, although it is possible to intellectually disagree with something we believe. Once formed, beliefs continue to exist and affect our behavior, feelings and perceptions forever, unless we are able to eliminate the belief. We view life through the filter of our beliefs. The miracle of your mind, rewiring for joy.
There are number of different approaches. Visit the following:
Steve Andreas

You must learn to make a clear distinction between reality and how that reality "occurs" to you, in YOUR mind only. as long as your mind believes that the meaning you give reality IS reality, you will feel negative emotions that logically flow from that view of reality. If you believe something is dangerous, you'll feel fear. If you believe someone did something on purpose to offend you, you'll be angry.
When your mind gets that the way reality occurs to you is not part of reality but something separate from it, you'll find that your “occurring” and the emotions caused by the “occurring” disappear.  Instead you are left with calmness and peace of mind.  
Beliefs are the meaning we give (usually) to a series of events. Beliefs are broad generalizations, for example, I am …. People are …. Life is …. A belief is a statement about reality that we feel is the truth, although it is possible to intellectually disagree with something we believe. Once formed, beliefs continue to exist and affect our behavior, feelings and perceptions forever, unless we are able to eliminate the belief.  We view life through the filter of our beliefs.
If your boss asks you a question and it occurs to you as she doesn’t trust me, she doesn’t like me, or I’m going to get fired. That is the meaning you have given to the boss’s question. In reality all that happened is that she asked you a question. Contrast that occurring—the meaning you gave to that specific event—to beliefs that act as a filter through which we view all events, such as No one trusts me. No one likes me. Nothing I do is good enough. I am inadequate.

So far as Fact is concerned, there is no real value, power, nor importance in any 'thing'. GOD is the Reality. God, Fact, Reality, Truth is the value, power and importance. 'Things' are just what they are—'things', ideas and objects within Awareness—but without power to help or harm.
“If I give God ALL the power and the glory, there is none left for ME, If God is everything, I am NOTHING. This is self-destruction. It eliminates ME” says the little ‘me’, the EGO.
Yes, it eliminates the seeming 'me', the 'me' who suffers all the agonies mankind is heir to, including limitation and lack, sickness and sin, fear, loneliness, old age and death. It gets rid of the 'me' who judges everything Awareness beholds, but (Listen, Listen) it does not get rid of this Awareness that beholds. It does not stop the consciousness of the rose, the mountain, the little boy nor the perception of these words right here. It does not get rid of the Awareness that is being all I am, nor does it get rid of the objects of perception. It only eliminates the 'me' and the distorting lens through which I see darkly.
Awareness is not the servant of anybody or anything. Awareness 'belongs' to the Divine Mind, Infinite Consciousness, Reality, God, just as 'yellow' belongs to gold, just as the numerals belong to arithmetic. You are this very Awareness itself. You are not a mortal being who contains an awareness. You are the Divine Awareness, itself!
Can you imagine what this means? You no longer have any responsibility as a person to see this or experience that! You no longer have to judge anything that you see or hear as Awareness! You have no personal responsibility at all. You have but to be a faithful witness, a faithful Awareness, and not the enslaved Awareness of Bill or John or Mary. In fact, you are this already, without effort, because Awareness is God's activity, God's own knowledge of Itself, Reality's Awareness of being what It is. All there is to Bill or Mary or John is the belief that they are something that can contain, possess, imprison, or make a servant and slave of God's Awareness of being, of God's knowledge of existing. Since the Awareness of Being is God's activity, Awareness cannot be possessed, made a servant, or contained within a body, an object of perception. This eliminates the possibility that something exists that can contain Awareness, even in belief. Does this not put Bill and Mary and John in their proper perspective? They have no power, importance, nor authority of their own at all. GOD, REALITY, TRUTH is being exactly what they are. God's Awareness of being God includes what is called Bill or Mary or John, just as it includes 'beauty' and 'love'. 2+2=Reality By William Samuel

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