Tuesday, July 28, 2015

What's the new direction? Inward. This newness is your True Self.

Guy Finley: If you continue living as you presently are -- as an outer-oriented person -- you will be doomed to repeat mistakes. The instruction for how to break out of this circle of self is partially revealed in the discovery of...

Vernon Linwood Howard: "Do not imagine that the exterior world strains you, but know that the strain you feel is _your_ strain."

A most effective prayer is found in the 11th chapter of the Book of John, as: "Father, I thank thee that thou hast heard me, for thou always hears me." Neville Goddard 10-06-1967 THE SECRET OF PRAYER

When you really begin to pray in earnest to awaken to His Life, God does not reward you with the increased strength you’re looking for but rather with increased insight into your own weaknesses… which eventually become the seed of the strength you seek as your discoveries cause you to disappear to yourself. A Lost Secret of Prayer by Guy Finley

The one great exercise of prayer is . . .
To come wide awake
And to place the center of myself
Into the center of my will and . . .
Having done so, take this gathering of attention
And surrender it wholly to my God . . .
To do with whatever I am
As He wills . . . forever.

Guy Finley

It was in San Francisco, on July 20, 1959 that Neville awoke to find himself sealed in a tomb. Removing a stone placed there, he came out of his skull just like a child comes out of its mother’s womb.
From that moment on Neville’s lectures changed. Having awakened from the dream of life, Neville’s outlook on the world changed. He knew, as the visions came upon him from that point on, that the garment he wore, and answered to its name, was simply a covering, hiding his true, immortal being who was God the Father. And he tried to tell all those who would listen that they were not the little mask they wore, but a being far greater than they could ever conceive themselves to be.
And from that day forward, until his departure on October 1, 1972 Neville, like Paul, expounded from morning till night, testifying to the kingdom of God and trying to convince all about Jesus, both from the law of Moses and the prophets. And some believed, while others disbelieved.
Margaret Ruth Broome
From “The Miracle of Imagination”

Always remember that, although the ancient storytellers introduced many characters into their drama, they all live in your mind. Knowing your consciousness is the only reality, as you read the stories there, assume you are the central character and allow the story to reveal its truth to you. Neville Goddard

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