Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Are YOU having a good day yet?

"Relax, Detach, Contact or Connect."

Nelofer Pazira 'I don't make a film to make people like it. I make a film to make people think'

8 tips from The Abundance Project to turn around a bad day:
  1. Remember that it’s only temporary.
  2. Allow yourself to feel and acknowledge your emotions.
  3. Talk or write it out.
  4. Distract yourself with good things.
  5. Think about solutions, but hold off on drastic decisions.
  6. Go treat yourself to something good
  7. Let go of things you can’t change.
  8. Realize that if you change your mood, you just might change your day too.


"The problem we have is we always have to reduce everything to a few seconds. The other problem of course is we often use the excuse of the audience or the listeners or the readers. We say "oh because they don't understand it, we have to simplify it." My experience is always been the absolute opposite. I think the readers, the listeners, the audience, are far more informed, they're intelligent, they would like to have the complexity. In fact they would be satisfied with that.  But we reduce it to simplicity, on the basis or assumption on our part that they won't understand it, so we must make it basic and sort of black and white." Nelofer Pazira (an award-winning Afghan-Canadian director, actress, journalist and author.)

"Be certain any answer to a problem the Holy Spirit
  solves will always be one in which no one loses."
ACIM Ch.25.IX.3

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