Sunday, March 17, 2013

Free Yourself Of The Burden Of Trying To Fix The World.

What is for you to do, that you can do.
And what you can do, that you must do.
Say often: "My help cometh from the Lord."

You will always give a just equivalent for all that is rendered unto you.
"Let not your heart be troubled."
Keep this saying of Jesus Christ:
"I came not to do mine own will, but the will of Him that sent me."
"A lost traveler follows his rescuer out of the desert, even if the traveler wonders at the directions taken by the rescuer. Our similar task is to follow the facts wherever they lead, resisting nothing, fearing nothing. We must alertly guard against our fixed preferences, which is accomplished by remembering that they delivered us to desolation in the first place. Follow this thought all the way: Who but you knows your inner state, so who but you can change it?" VH
You can let go of judging and comparing when you accept that the inspiration others are receiving is different from what you are receiving.
It's funny how we can be so sure -- and know so quickly -- what someone else should do. It's as if they're clueless and somehow we've got the magic answer for them. If only they would listen to us, see the light, or get with the program.
The truth is, we don't have the answer for anyone except ourselves. Just as each person is unique, the guidance you receive from Spirit is also unique. To receive the life you have been given to live, you must turn within and not be so concerned with what others around you are doing.
When you notice yourself judging, criticizing or thinking you know what is best for someone else, gently remind yourself that the Spirit that lives within you also resides within them. Also, remember that the inspiration they are receiving is unique to them.
Focus on your connection to Spirit, what you are here to do, and free yourself of the burden of trying to fix the world.

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