Monday, March 25, 2013

Am I living in my current?

Naturally you are an independent reasoner.
Your firmness is not stubbornness.
Understand well what you are to do and fear nothing.
This should be your controlling thought:
In the way of righteousness is life and in the pathway thereof there is no death.”
"Seeing the folly of merely changing exterior locations can start refreshing inner change."

Good fortune is created out of living in your current, aligned with your values.
Good fortune does not result from the roll of the dice. It originates from within. There is a current, a life force that flows through you, and when you live in this current you are available to receive your good.
When you are not true to your values, when you are being less than honest with yourself, you create mixed messages that obstruct the flow. But when you embrace who you are and what you value, you once again come into alignment with Spirit, the source of all supply.
Take a moment to turn within and ask yourself, "Am I living in my current?"
If you don't know the answer, take some time to reflect on your life. How does your life feel? Would you describe the life you're living as rich and satisfying? If so, you're drawing from the source of infinite supply. If not, your good is awaiting your recognition.
Every time I make the decision to live from my values instead of from scarcity I claim and experience my good.

Naturally you are an independent reasoner.
Your firmness is not stubbornness.
Understand well what you are to do and fear nothing.
This should be your controlling thought:
"In the way of righteousness is life and in the pathway thereof there is no death."
"Lead Me Holy Spirit"-- Pt 1
"Lead Me Holy Spirit" -- Pt 2

"An expert demon was instructing a class of student demons. He stated, 'Remember that people really do not want happiness, rather, they crave thrills. You see, their deluded minds mistake thrills for happiness. Take anger. When you provoke a man into anger he has a sick love for the thrill of his self-destructive anger. He actually takes it as a type of happiness! Man is in- credibly ill, and his denial of the illness plays right into your hands. Believe me, gentlemen, man’s stupidity makes your task much easier than you can imagine.'" VH

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