Monday, August 13, 2012

Want, Love and Works.

The first requirement on the way to a realization of eternal life the permanent good is to want. The student must want to hold the truth because it is truth ; want it sufficiently to put away preconceived opinions and beliefs, and work to attain it ; want the truth sufficiently to be energetic in refusing error's claim, and in casting out intellectual rubbish that does not harmonize with the great central and all saving truth," the basic principle of Divine Science.

Another requirement is
Love -- Love for all truth, because it is truth Love and regard for the Omnipresent, silent and invisible God, the only source of life and power.“Except ye become as little children ye can in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven.” This means that unless we consult " the Father," the One Principle of good underlying all expression, and are governed by him in our thought, we can in no wise express perfect harmony, which is true happiness or heaven; for heaven is a condition and is within each one of us, and to think truth, is to realize that we are the eternal, ever present.

The third requirement is that of
Works. Not until the student wants the truth, and loves it because it is truth, will he perceive it with reference to himself, and to his relation to the Infinite One. He will see with the eye of understanding when he dares to draw the line between the Creator and the created the Manifestor and the manifestation between himself as immortal and the mortal body and his beliefs. When he dares to think of self as invisible, immortal, and divine here and now; that he in being is now what he ever will be, and that his manifestations and mortal body are only visible to him on the sense plane. Man can only be spiritually perceived and understood; and until he reverses his decisions of himself he will not perceive himself and understand his relations to Divine Being. The student must dare to rise up and throw off all beliefs of limitation and in-harmony, instead of waiting for them to desert him: he must banish from mentality the accustomed mode of thought concerning self, and all beliefs that are opposed to the spiritual and clear realization of himself as immortal. Then identify himself with all manifest life, and know of his union with the One eternal Spirit in which all live. Yes, dare to think that by doing the Will of Spirit, and speaking its Word, he can conquer selfish personality beliefs of separateness and limitation.

Christ .Method of Healing
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