Thursday, August 2, 2012

Love is a verb, it is an action.

The Song of Prayer uses the analogy of climbing a ladder. It doesn’t matter where other people are, you should only be concerned with yourself. “J” didn’t come down down to the level of the disciples. He tried to open their awareness of his level.

We are not vibrational beings having a human experience, then the body would be real. We are BE-ings living the dream. Is not light just a vibration.
Anything can be reframed. I remember walking across the U of T campus years ago with Catherine and JC to get Ice Cream cones on one hot Sunday afternoon. They were wearing Bikinis. We passed two elderly ladies and one of them remarked “Hussies” as we passed. They were a little perturbed but I put my hands on both their shoulders and announced I was the luckiest guy in T.O. to be walking with two “Hussies”.
Prayer is a ladder reaching up to Heaven. At the top there is a transformation much like your own, for prayer is part of you.
We often develop skills we don’t appreciate at the time. My dad built a cottage in the late 50’s and I used to frequent stores during the week planning and filling the trunk with what my project was for the next weekend. We do things for the love of doing them, otherwise we lose sight of our objectivity. And when we do it from love everything just pops into place. My dad and grandfather had cleared brush to build the cottage which was just north of Peterborough. The water was crystal clear and we used lake water to boil water on a Coleman stove for hot dogs while putting bottles of Coke and Orange Crush in the lake to cool them off to have something to drink. 
“Love is a verb, it is an action. You must do things for others, listen to them, be there for them. It’s not about what happens in return but what you do to love them.” (Stephen Covey)
If any of you know anything about hockey, you know that the player who retaliates is the most likely to go to the penalty box. Treating love as a verb does not create love as a noun, but it may create love as a verb right back toward you.
If you love your health, you must actively love your health by eating right, exercising, and making good choices.
Your relationship with work will reflect how actively you’ve been loving it. You can even extend this active love to your friendships, family, hobbies, community, and any other major part of your life as well.
Don’t worry about how you haven’t been given your due. Love what you do. Love is an action verb. When you do something for someone do it for love, not out of guilt, resentment or due to coercion but because you want to. The moment you feel under-appreciated you lose sight of that goal.
Sit by yourself often and mentally deny that any evil can have power over you or any material conditions hinder you. Above all, use the fifth universal denial. Then you will never be deceived by anybody. Roger goes on to explain that his songs were complete before he took them to the band and were therefore not influenced by lyric or composition changes by the band members.
Give a little bit -
give a little bit of your love to me
* * *
Now's the time that we need to share
So find yourself -
we're on our way back home.

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