Monday, August 6, 2012

i am

I am a good person.
I have integrity.
I do what is ethically right and good.
Whatever life puts before me will be useful experience that will make me stronger, wiser, and more tolerant.
I am strong enough to understand and make allowances for other people's weaknesses, and their behaviour towards me. Other people's behaviour is about them, not me.
I focus on the joy of living my life and helping others where and when I can.
I am what I eat and drink, so I eat and drink good things.
I am what I watch and play and listen, so I watch and play and listen to good positive things.
I take exercise which I enjoy. I walk when I don't need to drive or take the bus or train.
I smile and laugh whenever I can - life is good - getting caught in the rain reminds me that it is good to be alive to feel it.
I forgive other people. Deep down everyone is a good person, just like me.
I am a compassionate and loving, caring person.
I am a good person.
1. I am fine just the way I am.
2. I am open to finding MY perfect body, whatever that may be.
3. I am open to finding MY perfect life, whatever that may be.
4. I am open to finding my way in my own time and at my own pace.
5. I am able to take care of myself.
6. I am safe.
7. I am free to make my own decisions.
8. I release myself to make healthy decisions.
9. I release my parents and my past.
10. I forgive myself for mistakes I have made in the past.
11. I forgive those from my past who have hurt me.
12. I chose to come here; it is ok that I am here. I want to be here.
13. I came to this earth to strive, prosper and be healthy.
14. I am open to receiving help and healing from others.
15. I am open to trusting people.
16. I am open to finding solutions for my problems.
17. I am open to seeing my problems from a healing perspective.
18. I am open to making changes in my life so I can become healthy.
19. I am important to me. I am committed to taking care of myself.
20. I love myself just the way I am.
21. I like being with myself.
22. I appreciate being me.
23. I like it when others appreciate me and pay attention to me.
24. I am open to having great friends that I can spend my life with.
25. Everything is ok, right NOW.

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