Friday, August 10, 2012

Disease Traced to the Early Ages and Its Causes-Religion. [Part III]

Job knew that they were quacks, and all they said were idle opinions about what they did not know. He was a scientific, not a religious man, but one who looked for causes and effects outside of the priests.
There is one mistake that the world is in and they will not get out of it till the origin of disease is acknowledged. Then men will learn to reason from cause to effect. My object is to show that the origin of the phenomenon called disease is in the mind or belief. Man is made up of opinions, for truth is not matter. The wisdom of opinions is man's religion; the wisdom of science is God, and that is not matter. So to find a cause for disease, you must find some fear, for fear hath torment and the torment is the disease. The idea of death is a cause for fear, and to keep clear of death is what everyone tries to do. The religion of the ancients did not contain any positive ideas of another world. Moses was a leader of a people who had been enslaved in Egypt. He made laws to govern them, and they were the best he could make, and they all had reference to their relations and comfort in this life.
Religion is something not found in our words or acts or in our beliefs. It contains no wisdom; it is a substance. I will liken it unto a well of water; there is no intelligence in the water but it is to satisfy the desire of a person. It is like bread. It is the balm for every wound. It is to answer every person's desire for happiness. This is religion. The priests undertook to give it to the people. Moses undertook to give it to the multitudes, but the Bible says he never saw this substance, only heard it, as it were.
The people think religion is in a belief and they can get it; and then they can sit down and say to themselves as the rich man said, I have much stores laid up, so I will tear down my barn and build a larger one. Then the Lord said, Thou fool, this night shall thy soul be required of thee. This illustrates the Christian of our days. How often do you hear professors of religion talking thus, I take great pleasure in reading the Bible and meditating on the goodness of God, feeling that I am worthy to be his servant. This is all cant and is shown up in the illustration of the rich man by Jesus. This man's happiness consisted in his great wealth. Therefore he could say I am rich; why should I not enjoy my riches. I will eat, drink and take my ease. The Christian is also rich in the opinions of the world, eating vanity, never giving any attention to anyone that will correct a pain or ache, but sits and enjoys his goodness, condemning everything that he knows nothing of. He is puffed up with the vanity of the world. When the truth comes and sets fire to his house or theory and burns up his opinions, it will say to him, Thou fool!
All your riches are vanity or opinion which, when Science comes, will take wings and fly away. This is the religious man and in such God takes no delight. His followers are not of that kind. Their religion is their riches in wisdom, and to impart this wisdom to the hungry and to feed all those who hunger and thirst after health and happiness.
The error is the idea religion and the priests have taught that God is something, a spirit that will answer their requests. You never knew a Christian who was directed to act differently from any but a selfish act. If a man should be inclined to give up all his goods to the poor and spend his life in relieving those in distress, he would be looked upon as a monomaniac or fanatic by the church. But if he should give all his wealth to the church and let his children starve, then he would be a Christian. So religion is of this world and is the result of sin and ignorance. The time will come when every man will be rewarded according to his acts or wisdom. When that time comes, to be religious will be to give to the sick something that the world of opinions cannot give; and then to be wise is to be religious, but your religion cannot be distributed among the poor or those that need it. There is so much absurdity in regard to God, it makes the people disbelieve in almost everything. For instance, we are taught that God fills all space. Now we all know that matter in various forms fills some space; we are also taught that God is in everything. Here is a tree without any intelligence; we are taught that God is in the tree. How absurd it is to suppose that wisdom is in what we acknowledge contains none. It is not strange that with such absurdities people of intelligence should disbelieve in any religion.
Now here is the theory of my religion. My God is wisdom and all wisdom is of God. When there is no wisdom, there is no God, for God is not matter. Matter is only an idea that fills no space in wisdom, and as wisdom fills all space, all ideas are in wisdom. To make the creature larger than the Creator is absurd to me. My God is in nothing but everything is in Him. Attach all sight, smell and all the senses of wisdom; then they all fill all space. Everything to which we attach wisdom and all inanimate substances and opinions are in this wisdom. Then you see the difference between the Christian's God and mine. Their man is of the earth, and their God is in him; my man is what we know and their man is in that. So wisdom is my man and matter is the Christian's. Therefore their wisdom is under a bushel. Jesus said, Set your light on the bushel that it may give light to all around. Wisdom in matter is no wisdom at all, but separate yourselves and come out that your light may shine so that others seeing your light or wisdom may be benefited. Matter is darkness to wisdom for when a man is in an opinion, he is in a prison; and when the truth comes, he dies to opinions and lives in God or wisdom.
PPQ To Be Continued

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