Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Success Quadrant

The telephone rang. J.R. answered.
"Hello, is J.R. available?"
"Mr. R., we've got a project for you. We're ready to expand internationally and we need some help."
"I'm not interested. I'm semi-retired - you know, looking for the next exotic beach."
"We'll make it worth your while Mr. R. We'll add millions to your fortune."
"OK, I'm listening."
It was a call that was worth millions. And it happened to Jim Rohn. His first thought afterwards was, "Isn't it interesting that they called me?" His second thought was, "Of course they'd call me. Who else would they call? I can get the job done." At age 25, good fortune came his way. He met a mentor named Earl Shoaff, who was a unique and very successful man. Shoaff was the man who told Jim Rohn the secret.
The Success Quadrant – Simple Four Steps Formula for TOTAL Success
Dr.J.B Jones

There is an infinite abundance in this universe!
Ask yourself the question,
What do I want to BE next?

What do I want to attain next?
This is to identify what you want. Write it down. Define it. Describe it. …

One of the reasons a person is living a small limited type of life now is that he is in the habit of thinking small limited thoughts!
Phase Two is also just a MENTAL EXERCISE and it doesn4t cost you one red penny. Phase two is as follows:

Pretend that -you already are that you want to BE and that you already have what you want to have.

Ask yourself: How would I feel If I were already the person I want to BE If I already had the things that I have written down on the Phase One list, how would I feel? What would I go? Where would I BE right now? …

One of the best ways that I have ever used is as follows:


I first assume that I have already attained the desire.


Then I ask myself what event would normally take place after I had attained the desire but would never take place other than if I had attained my desire.


Then I make arrangements to live that event as though I had already attained my desire.
Phase Three is:

That ability within you to say, YES-and NO

Many people have not learned that it is their individual prerogative to evaluate any life situation or event or proposition and then down deep inside say, “Yes” if they believe it should be yes,  and to say, “NO” if it should be no. …
Phase four is the HOW! How do you get from here and now, to there, and what you want to BE, and have what you want to HAVE, and not cost you anything?

Well, I am going to give you the answer in several ways so that you will be sure to trust it. First, let me say, that I am aware of certain Facts, Laws, Rules, Powers which are all natural,  and which,  if you will do certain things with the simple faith of a child,  will all work for you and bring your dreams all fulfilled to you. …
Have you ever had an idea come to you from “out of the blue”?
The BLUE is your subconscious mind!

Phase one is the Seed.

Phase two is the watering, cultivating, sunshine and faith.

Phase three is weeding the weeds out and not letting the enemy destroy your seed which has been well planted and is being cultivated until the harvest.

Phase four is the Subconscious Mind, which has the same quality in the field of life as the soil has for the farmer.

All we have to do is define the type of situation we would like to experience and then begin immediately to plant that kind of seed with feeling and emotion into our subconscious mind and make these impressions which will, according to the law as tangible as gravity, electricity or chemistry, develop into an experience.
Chapter 10, The Power of Your Imagination

If I told you that, by the power use of your imagination, you can be anything you want to be in and you can have anything you want to have, would you be ready to receive that as a basic truth? …
Q + Q + M.A = C Napoleon Hill
This means the Quality of service rendered, plus Quantity of service rendered, plus Mental attitude in which it is rendered, determines the compensation.
Chapter 13, How to Get Started On Your Dream:

STEP 1 Take inventory of your present situation:

First, take inventory of your present situation, relative to the size and quality of your thinking. …

STEP 2  Write down what you would like to be BE

Then, turn the page in your notebook and write down what you would like to be fourth dimensionally. ….

STEP 3 Self-Talk Creates Reality:

Number three, have a little talk with yourself. You are constantly carrying on a conversation with yourself, within yourself. Now,  start talking from the position of your dreams fulfilled.

STEP 4 Getting Started NOW:

The way to get started on your dreams now, is to definitize them now. …

Chapter 14: The Four Greatest Values in Life

They are as follows: Integrity, Faith, Courage and Humility.

Chapter 17, How to get a Feeling

(1) Define it then play the game

(2)Until it becomes a strong feeling in the conscious and then express this concept with strong feeling on the subconscious, and then it must become an experience in your life.

We must become aware of the fact that we are thinking beings. Of all God’s creations, we are the only part of the entire universe that has the privilege of thinking.


Rule number two is to

“Be aware that you can only think one thought at a time.”


Rule number three is that

“We must be keenly aware not only of the fact that we can think only one thought at a time but that we can control all of our thought processes.”

“Through will power we clamp our new thoughts,  our new concepts, our new objectives, and our new desires, even though they are in conflict with the old habits, with the will power and hold them, in place until we have the new habit established so strongly that it neutralizes the old Habit.”


Rule number four, I would like for you to realize, that

“What we are at this time is the Result of everything we have thought throughout our entire past. Our loveliness or unloveliness, your kindness or our tendency toward unkindness, our faith for our tendency toward doubt, everything that we are, is the result of our past thoughts.” 

We not only take care of our research, business wise, but it was my privilege to visit Edinburgh in Scotland and walk on the same ground that the great Thomas Toward walked. I visited India and talked to some of the great teachers of the Far East. I visited Pakistan, Siam, Singapore, Australia, the Olympic Games, New Zealand, the Fiji Islands, and spent Christmas in Honolulu. The Success Quadrant – Simple Four Steps Formula for TOTAL Success Chapter 19, Some Usual and Unusual Examples of the SQ Formula Dr.J.B Jones

Dr. J. B. Jones / Dr. J(ames) B(reckenridge) Jones was a lecturer of the Napoleon Hill Philosophy of Achievement. In the early 1950's, Dr. Jones traveled the country giving lectures on what he called "The Alpha and Omega."

He founded Abundavita, a national nutritional supplement company. He also wrote a book, "If You Can Count to Four" which described his four-point practical approach to accomplishing your goals and explained how he achieved his own success.
Jones is also known for recruiting and mentoring Earl Shoeff as his Sales Manager, who then recruited and mentored Jim Rohn. All became multi-millionaires in their own right.

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