Tuesday, December 30, 2014

God is my support

In order to be a Christian one must tell the Truth of God. One Truth is that God the Good careth for us. We are told by Jesus Christ to take no care for ourselves. To sit down and proclaim to the universe that "My support is my Good, my Good is my God, thus God is my support," is to stir the air to work with the mountains and seas to bring us our new provisions.
Jesus Christ said
we would have tribulations while getting our Good support by telling the Truth, but he said: "Be not afraid, I have overcome." He meant He had come over all the worldly way of being supported by telling the Truth, and that it would surely come out right with us. Tribulations are the oppositions which we meet by telling the world we get our support by thinking and speaking the Truth. Tribulations are the feelings we have when we first set forth as grown men and women into the way which is exactly opposite to our former way of thinking. It is a tribulation to attempt to cast away all anxiety. It is a tribulation to give up trying to get our living by our old mind.
After practicing the saying that your Good is your support, your old business will not be interesting to you. It will leave you, yet you will have your living. By and by you will have great and wonderful miracles of support come to you. Yet, for a long time, some of those who have told the Truth about their Good being unlimited supply may not have the faintest idea where their supplies are coming from. They need to say that their Good is Intelligence. This is a truth that will soon work out. There will come a time when they will know that their unlimited supplies are in certain places, and they need have no fear of ever losing sight of the rich provision of the Good. Good is God. God is Substance. God is Spirit. Therefore your supplies are to come from Spirit. Your supplies, coming from Spirit, are Spirit. It will not be a tribulation to practice providing for yourself by telling the Truth after a little while.

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