Tuesday, December 30, 2014


The name "OM" was a name of God which the ancient people of Asia used to repeat, and do even repeat now. They hold their breath while speaking it. It means: Good beyond Good. Far beyond even our ideas of Good, there is Infinite Good, awaiting our words.
The Eastern mystic repeats the word "OM" by drawing in his breath and speaking the word twelve times. Then he holds his breath and repeats the word twenty-four times. Finally he feels that he himself is "OM". To feel that Om is your substance, your life, your mind, is greater than to feel that the words you say are OM.
The only words you can speak and be identified with, wisely, are, "I am my own understanding of God." These words bring you face to face with the highest of yourself.
The Brahmins attained to great power and wisdom by meditating much on "Om," their name for God.
Emma Curtis Hopkins SCMP

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