Monday, June 30, 2014

KNOW it, and you will be free from ALL lack and limitation FOREVER.

Be still, my child, and know I am your Life, your Health, your Strength, your Understanding, your Supply, your Power, your Love.
I am all these things-all these ideals you are seeking to be and to have. Joseph Sieber Benner ~ The Way to the Kingdom(1932)
My mind holds only what I think with God.
I thank my Father for His gifts to me.
Let me remember I am one with God. ACiM - Workbook Lesson 142
When the time comes, as it inevitably will, that you become dissatisfied in your search among the teachings of the various religions, philosophies and cults that now are interesting you, and you grow discouraged at finding yourself no nearer the attainment of the powers and spiritual growth so authoritatively described and supposedly possessed by the writers of the books, the teachers of the philosophies and the promulgators of the religions, then will I show you that while all these books, teachings and religions were originally inspired by Me, and have done and are still doing their part in quickening the hearts of many, yet for you it is now meant that you cease looking to any outer authority, and instead confine your study to My Book of Life, guided and instructed by Me within, by Me alone. If you earnestly and truly do this, you will find that I have chosen you to be the High Priest of a religion, the glory and grandeur of which will be to all others that have been pictured to your former understanding, as the light of the Sun is to the twinkle of the far distant star. THE IMPERSONAL LIFE [ 1914 ] by Joseph S(ieber) Benner

You Are a Gift

Do you notice what happens when you walk into a room? What becomes present that wasn't there before you walked in? Is it humor, love, compassion, honesty, adventure, playfulness, wisdom?
You matter and who you are being matters. Your unique combination of values is the gift that you are. Something magical happens when you embrace your gift. The world appears friendlier and more welcoming. Give yourself a gift this week by recognizing and affirming to yourself the gift that you are.
Affirmation: I am a gift.

My mind holds only what I think with God.
I will not value what is valueless.
Let me perceive forgiveness as it is. ACiM - Workbook Lesson 147
A Prayer
BELOVED Father; Thou, Oh blessed Christ Jesus; and Thou, our dear Brothers of the Kingdom,- hear this our earnest prayer.
Draw us in Consciousness deep within where Thou art, where self exists not, and where we may be one with and abide with Thee in Christ.
Help us to open wide our hearts and let out the Great Love, that It may possess us utterly, may rule, motivate and inspire our every thought, word and act, merging us completely into Love, thereby enabling us to love as Thou lovest, to see as Thou seest, to hear as Thou hearest; lifting the consciousness of our human minds into complete oneness with our Christ Consciousness-Thy Consciousness; so that henceforth we can consciously, at will, be with Thee, work with Thee, commune with Thee, face to face, at all times and on all planes, when the need is in the Father's service; and may know with Thy Understanding all things we seek and need to know.
Cleanse us of all consciousness of self and of separation from Thee, so that our Lord Christ henceforth may live His Life in us, do His Will in us, be His Self in us, without let or hindrance of any kind, for evermore.
BELOVED Father, make us to abide always in Thy Consciousness, and Thy Word to abide in us, giving us ever of Thy Wisdom to light and direct our way; Thy Will to strengthen and sustain us; and Thy Love to surround) protect and fill us; so that we may see Thee, dear Christ, may feel Thee, may know Thee,  may be truly One with Thee, everywhere, in everything, and in every one of our brothers.
We thank and glorify Thee, Beloved Father, for Thy many blessings. Take us wholly unto Thyself, so that we may be selfless and perfect instruments for Thy use.
In Christ Jesus’ Name, we ask it. AMEN. The Way to the Kingdom by Joseph S(ieber) Benner

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