Tuesday, June 3, 2014

I have faith in the spoken word of Truth. Say: ''Yes, Yes, Yes!"

You are the child of the Most High. You are created and made in the image and likeness of God, your Father.
You know we become like the word we hold most in thought.

You need not have bad dreams, but in order not to have them, you must not let every little thing you hear or see or read of in the newspapers influence you in any way. You must train yourself against being influenced by all these things, until you become like Paul and can say with him, "None of these things move me." You must not give so much reality to all the newspaper talk and to all the other things of the mortal that come into your experience. No! you must learn to handle each one of them scientifically. You must say to this bit of news, "You cannot affect me," and to that other thing that you heard, "I know only the true and the real."
If any of the things that you see or hear or read move you in any way, you may be very sure that you have given reality to them, and if you do that, how disturbed you will become. You had better begin right away to clear your consciousness of its false beliefs.

Take a statement for each day in the week, and hold it week in and week out, month in and month out.
Now I will tell you just how to change your consciousness to a state of right thinking.
On Monday make the statement of Being.
The teaching of the science of Being deals with your thoughts and not with your physical organisms; it teaches you how to reason and think correctly.
On Tuesday use the denials and affirmations; not only the denials of Science, but your own particular denials and their accompanying affirmations.
Let Wednesday be a praise and thanksgiving day. Praise yourself that you are so kind and loving; and that you are so honest in your intentions of serving the Good; praise yourself that you are so steadfast in these same intentions; praise yourself because you are so strong and healthy; because you have such a sweet charitable disposition; praise yourself because you see only the good in everyone and everything in the world. Praise yourself for every good thing that you do see in yourself, and for every good thing that you want to see in yourself. You must praise for the good characteristic that is there to strengthen it, and praise for the good trait that seems lacking, to compel it to appear, for you know that the fruit of your lips will be created for you.
Let Thursday be your day for declaring faith; say, "I do believe that God is now working with me and through me and by me and for me", and  say it with a sure certainty for it is true.
On Friday be courageous and strong and powerful; overcome all obstacles by your word, say, “I can do all things through Christ that strengtheneth me;” say this with all your strength, and I tell you can do just whatever you want to do, even things that will seem like miracles.
On Saturday affirm understanding. Say, “I understand the law of Spirit.” Say it lovingly and gratefully, and each Saturday the veil will be a little more removed from before your eyes, until one day you will see clearly; you will know all things, and you will be well and strong and able to do all things.
On Sunday acknowledge results as if you had them already, for you have. The Lord is the health of thy countenance.
The real Sabbath is a day of Rest. In it is found peace.
The real Sabbath is only to be found within the soul.
When we have peace, when we have rested from our labors of striving, of criticism, of condemnation, of any and all error thoughts, then we have "rest unto our souls" and we are in the Sabbath day—the Holy Sabbath day.
It is possible to attain this state of mind. How? By living up to your highest ideal all the time; thinking your  best and truest every minute.
Are you sick? Try saying: "The entire race mentality and all the people in the world, or the whole system of worlds cannot deceive me or draw me into a belief of sickness. I know the Truth and their error thoughts have no effect upon me whatsoever."
Are you poor? Well try denying that all the error beliefs of the race in poverty can affect you. Say, "I know the Truth, and I know that bountiful provision is omnipresent. I will not be drawn into any other belief or feeling."
Remember that the signs are to follow the believing.
Cannot the people wake up to the fact that it makes all the difference in the world to them what words they speak?
Say, "I am perfectly strong and calm and peaceful. I am quiet. I am at rest. I feel perfectly harmonious and at peace," and see how differently you will feel. In the same way can you handle yourself for inefficiency, ignorance, poverty, etc., etc. Never again say it makes no difference what words you use, for it does make a difference.
 " Let your communication be yea, yea, nay, nay;" that is, when you find yourself thinking an error thought, stop it by a sharp “No ! ! " When you discover yourself thinking in a true and righteous way, say to that state of mind in a coaxing, loving way, ''Yes, yes, yes;" this will encourage and help and strengthen the good, meek, little thoughts that want to come so much if you will only let them.
You know your thoughts are communicated to all around you, therefore see to it that nay is said to your error thought, and a strong and courageous yea to your good thoughts.

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