Monday, June 9, 2014


It is to just that state of mind He desires to bring you, where you actually let go, giving the load you are carrying over to Him, and thereby become as free as a little child, just such a child as we will now picture to you.
Standing on the sidewalk of a busy street waiting for the light signal, is a little boy of three years whose hand is tightly clasped in that of his father. Then they start across. Is the child frightened by the big automobiles and the noise and tumult at this busy corner?

No, he sees and knows no danger and gleefully enjoys the turmoil and the mixing with the crowd hurrying across --for he knows that Dad is taking care of him and will not let any harm come to him. Just as he unconsciously knows that Dad will feed and clothe him, for to him Dad is as God who will provide everything he needs and take every care of him.
Think you your God-Self does not love you and is not taking equal care of you, His child?
For are you not a part of His Being and does He not need you to express His Self?
Then how could He let you really suffer or come to any harm? What your human mind suffers and the dangers it fears are only the nightmares of childhood which disappear when the light of understanding is brought.
Besides such mental suffering actually burns away the qualities of self that hinder His perfect expression, while through the fears that come and persist He teaches you how to become strong.
It is these mental fears for they are purely mental, that is, they exist in your mind, not in His Consciousness that are clogging your mind-channel, and preventing His pouring through it the good that awaits.
Then you will have to cleanse your mind of all such negative things - of every doubt, fear or worry, and especially of those wrong pictures you are carrying around in your consciousness. Do you still see yourself as sick, or ailing, or poor, or very much needing anything? Then can you not realize it is that picture which is clogging up the channel? For what you think and carry around in consciousness as being so always out-manifests itself. How can the good you wish to manifest get by that picture?
That is the whole trouble, dear friend, you have not cleansed your mind of those old picture-beliefs, some of which are hiding down in the dark corners of your subconsciousness, purposely refusing to come out into the light; for they know, the moment you see them for what they are, their days are numbered. In fact, you must go down into the subconsciousness and dig out all of such and cast them forth; for until the whole mind is clean and free of all negative and untrue thoughts and feelings and is kept so, it cannot be brought into your God Consciousness where there are only positive, true, good and perfect ideas about you and you can see all things in their reality, even as He sees, and you can know as He knows; your mind thus becoming a perfect channel through which He can give you your divine heritage which He has so long had waiting for you.
Excerpt From:
In our booklet, "THE WAY OUT" was pointed the way to freedom from lack, limitation, inharmony, disease and unhappiness, and there is no excuse for any who faithfully follow the suggestions given to be any longer in such condition.

The booklet has reached scores of thousands of readers and many have been lifted by its truths into a new consciousness, and thereby into a new world, where everything and everybody are changed, for they are seeing with new eyes, and with different understanding.
That which appears is no longer what it seemed, but the good and the real are now visible and can be seen shining through all conditions and people -because they are now looked for, and the former negative tendencies are tabooed and not allowed to enter the consciousness.
This is not the case with all of course, for a great number have not been able to conquer those tendencies which so long have been permitted to rule. The press of circumstances and the negative conditions everywhere manifest seemingly have been too much for them and they have become utterly discouraged, not knowing that they actually have within themselves the power to rise out of these conditions, and that help is waiting the moment they awaken from their despondency and definitely determine to do the best they can to prove the truth of what was stated in the booklet.
It is for such that this new Message is written, with the earnest desire that all who read will be so inspired by its truths that they will make the necessary effort and will thus receive the good that has been waiting for them from the beginning.
We first urge that everyone who reads procure a copy of "THE WAYOUT", if one is not already owned, and that it be studied carefully and prayerfully. It will do no good merely to read it, even to study it, unless what is given you to do is faithfully TRIED until proven -that is, tried day after day in all your thinking, speaking and acting, for at least one month.
If you will do it that long, we promise that such a change will manifest in your consciousness and likewise in your affairs that it will be a turning point in your life, and you will never again return to the old way of thinking and acting. Is it not then worth the effort? Then do not let anything prevent your making a supreme effort, asking God to give you the strength and ability to accomplish what we have shown.

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