Thursday, April 10, 2014

This greatest of all secrets; the secret of imaging. [ALL POWER IS IN MAN]

 “I know of no other Christianity and of no other Gospel than the liberty of both body and mind to exercise the Divine Arts of Imagination. Imagination, the real and eternal World of which this Vegetable Universe is but a faint shadow, and in which we shall live in our eternal or Imaginative Bodies when these Vegetable Mortal Bodies are no more.” ~ William Blake
Why do we hyphenate the name “Judeo-Christian?”

Judaism is the foundation, and Christianity is its fulfillment. That is the fruit on the tree; that is the flower. Without that tree, it couldn’t bear the fruit; …. YOU MUST EXPERIENCE GOD Neville

You are an immortal being. You cannot die because you are all imagination. Man is all imagination; and God truly is man; and He exists in us, and we in Him. And that immortal body of man is the human imagination, and that is Jesus Christ Himself, the Eternal Body of man and it cannot die. You cannot die. The body, yes, this will fade; but I am not the garment that I am wearing. I am the wearer of the garment, and the wearer of this garment is all imagination. This is the story that the Bible teaches. Neville Goddard THE SECRET OF IMAGINING

If you don’t have enough money, forget what the paper says, you assume that you have it. “All things are possible to God.” He sets no limits whatsoever on the power of believing. Can you believe it? Well try to believe it. Try to believe, first of all, in God. Well God is your own imagination. Well believe in Him; that whatever you can imagine is possible.
Can you imagine that you have now the kind of a job that you want? The income that would come from it? The fun in the doing of the work? Well then walk as though it were true; and to the best of your ability believe that it’s true. And that assumption though denied by your senses, though the world would say it is false; if you persist in it, it will harden into fact. This is the law of your own wonderful imaging. Believe it, and it will become a reality. Neville Goddard THE SECRET OF IMAGINING

 The prevalent attitude is want Attitude for the Dollar, belief that Dollars are power. This must be  outgrown and the attitude must be that ALL POWER IS IN MAN. Dollars are machines with power delegated to them by man. They are useless without man. Dollars want me! is to be the  thought of the "Coming man.'' A few so thin know and have obtained mastery of Supply. Dollars Want Me:The New Road To Opulence: a Soul Culture Lesson [1917] Henry Harrison Brown
Dollar$ Love me.
Dollar$ Want me.
I am ready to use dollar$ and they freely come to me to be used.
The editor of a delightful San Francisco magazine called "NOW" has written a treatise on financial success, telling people to assert "Dollars want me!" every day, and to live in the thought that shining ore and rustling greenbacks are hurrying to find them.
Any other desired object or aim may be treated in the same mental manner, while we also use practical methods to attain it.
All the opulence of God belongs to his children. All happiness, peace, health and usefulness belong to us.
God made no such thing as ill luck. Man made it by false conditions,  false ideals, false thoughts and false deeds. —Ella Wheeler Wilcox, in S. F. Examiner.

Thou art a Man God is no more
Thy own humanity learn to adore,
- Blake

Being on the Same Side as Yourself is Being Your Own Best Friend
If you have an adversarial relationship with yourself, berating, criticizing or judging yourself, it leaves you feeling separate from yourself and ultimately separate from others. The way to harmonize with your soul and feel your connection with yourself and with others is through love.
Notice times throughout the day when you are living and expressing the love that you are. It may be when you are interacting with your family and friends, creating art, working with clients or walking in nature. Giving yourself permission to follow what you love brings you into the flow of life. Choosing the consciousness of love reunites you with yourself and restores your feeling of wholeness.
Affirmation: I feel my connection with all life when I live from the consciousness of love.

"In your own bosom you bear your heaven and earth,
And all you behold, though it appears without,
It is within, in your imagination,
Of which this world of mortality is but a shadow." William Blake

To the Christ mind, the spiritual mind, which in our language we will call the fourth-dimensional focus, the past, the present, and the future of the natural mind are a present whole. It takes in the entire array of sensory impressions that man has encountered, is encountering, and will encounter. We can create a new approach to life. If you and I would spend a few minutes every day in withdrawing our attention from the region of sensation and concentrating it on an invisible state and remain faithful to this contemplation, feeling and sensing the reality of an invisible state, we would in time become aware of this greater world, this dimensionally larger world. The state contemplated is now a concrete reality, displaced in time. When this fourth-dimensional focus comes and shows you a new approach to life and casts out of your own mind all these things that bedeviled you, you are then cleansed and clothed in your right mind. And you sit at the foot of understanding, called the feet of the Master. THINKING FOURTH-DIMENSIONALLY Neville

"He who dares assert the I,
May calmly wait,
While hurrying Fate,
Meets his demand with sure Supply." ~Mrs. Helen Wilmans

Dr. Lissa Rankin: It’s easy to talk about opening your heart when everyone is getting along.
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Remember: Expect Miracles!

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