Monday, April 28, 2014

<<< Within >>>

"Cosmic inspiration is released by getting ourselves out of our own way." VH

"Just as you are – God loves you!"~ Mary Kupferle

Gemma Stone: Your outer life emerges as
a reflection of your inner life. If you are suffering in your outer life, the most helpful question to ask is, where did this come from within me? When you go within, you’ll find the freedom & answers you seek.

7 Clever Ways to Deal with Highly Judgmental People
1.    Don’t take things personally
2.    Look beyond appearances
3.    Embrace a compassionate attitude
4.    Look for the lesson
5.    The world is your mirror
6.    Adopt an attitude of gratitude
7.    Focus your energy and attention upon those who love and appreciate you

My atmosphere is attracting the Good; it is constantly on the alert to see and know the Good, and to bring it into my experience.
There is that within me that calls forth abundance and happiness from Life. I am surrounded with an atmosphere of Peace, Poise and Power.
All who come in contact with that great Calm of my Life are made strong and confident, are healed and blessed.
“Bless the Lord, O my Soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy Name.”
I am hid with Christ in God. Thy will be done. Amen.

“The kingdom of heaven cometh not by observation” of the outside world. As long as we look that way, we shall see the prison face the church and the poorhouse glare at the college. The first lesson of Jesus was, “Stop gazing among the ways of men hoping to find a cure of their scourges. Turn your eyes backward and see into that kingdom of heaven that hath its everlasting abode within you. There your eyes will catch fire, light, miracle shining rays, and wherever you look after that, something new and strange will happen.” Emma Curtis Hopkins 1894s
In A Course in Miracles, it says:
“You are in an impossible situation only because you think it’s possible to be in one.” (Ch. 6 IV.10:1)
Dear God,
Regardless of my circumstances or the severity of my challenges, I trust that You are walking with me and there is nothing to fear. Thank You, in advance, for a happy, peaceful, abundant and miraculous outcome to my situation that is far beyond my greatest expectations. I trust that You are skillfully handling every detail on my behalf. With Your Divine guidance, I’m willing to consider there is a huge constellation of actions, events and circumstances being orchestrated that are perfectly aligned for my highest good. From my reference point, I couldn’t possibly know the best course of action, the right timing, the appropriate order, the words to use, or how to respond for the highest possible outcome. I am assured that the right people, resources, events and circumstances are being perfectly aligned for my greatest happiness and highest good. I gratefully accept the abundance of Your blessings and trust that Your swift response to my request is a natural part of Your love for me. Thank You for replacing all of my fears, misperceptions, illusions and self-judgments with the abundance of Your love and miracles.
My one problem is that I believe I am separated from You. Once I realize that I have never been separated from You, then all of my perceived problems will be undone. With You as my Source, I am assured of complete happiness, health, safety and abundance, without fear or suffering of any kind. Please heal my mind of this false idea of separation. Help me remember that I am one with You and we have never been separated. Let the Truth replace my illusions so I can return to my happy and natural state of abundance that is Your will for me.
Thy will be done. Amen

Be Thankful
“Be thankful that you don’t already have everything you desire,
If you did, what would there be to look forward to?
Be thankful when you don’t know something
For it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.
Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement.
Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons.
Be thankful when you’re tired and weary
Because it means you’ve made a difference.
It is easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are
also thankful for the setbacks.

GRATITUDE can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles
and they can become your blessings.”  ~ Author Unknown

A drawing by Jason Padgett called "Quantum Nautilus Spotlight".
"Quantam Star II" By Jason Padgett.
All are hand drawn using only a pencil, ruler and compass.

His work seems to be demonstrate E=MC2 and PI 3.14

"The 66 books of the Bible are spiraled into 3 cycles, encompassed by the 22 Hebrew letters, which then beautifully manifests the 7  divisions of the Biblical Canon".
It is also interesting to note that the Hebrew language consists of 7 verb forms.  The Hebrew language is a verb based language so it could be said the 22 letters of the Hebrew Aleph-Bet are divided into "sevens" which further displays the 22/7 pi fraction.

Does this contradict the New Age stuff about the Fibonacci sequence?
What’s the story behind the photo: Images can be misleading, something Melanie Fahlman-Reid learned after seeing this photograph of her Cree mother-in-law, Mary Reid. This famous World War Two-era snapshot was once said to be an "unidentified Indian princess getting blessing from her chief and father to go fight in the war" - which, Melanie believes, is far from the truth. This story first aired on the fantastic Rain City Chronicles, a series of storytelling nights in Vancouver. Source - (They didn’t even know each other)

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