Monday, April 7, 2014

Man in his right domain controls every situation.

I used to quickly heal myself of the blues, which often possessed me as I waked in the morning--if I forgot to go to sleep with a cheerful mind. When I waked "blue" I gave myself a few vigorous denials and affirmations--"I am not blue--I am full of soul-shine!"' I would say; and then put on a smile and go quietly about my work. Next time I thought about it I found myself vibrating with the shine statement. ~ Elizabeth Towne

If you would possess the realities of the great truth which Jesus revealed, begin by putting the factors of your life in their proper order. You have been looking for salvation to come from without. You have sought easy by-paths and ways of escape. You have expected to attain freedom without conquering self. You have depended upon other people, and relied on authority. Above all you have lacked the courage of conviction, you have not dared to make the full venture demanded of those who live by faith. But now you see that everything depends upon yourself. There is no reason to discredit the universe, there is nothing one would ask for that has not been done. All the guidance and power your soul cries out for are here. But the change must come from within, you must learn of experience its law and meaning, its divine environment, its God-inspired tendency. The simplest, humblest experience is as direct a road as any other, one time or place is as good as another; the essential is to begin to think, to observe the workings of the Spirit. For it is precisely through the Spirit's relationship to you that the significance of the great truth is to be seen. It is your judgment, your interpretation, your insight, your love that avails; not what some one else has said. What others have said or done means more or less precisely according to what you are and what you see; no one can see and know for you. It is you and the Father who must become one. It is the individual experience that is both the reality and the test. The thought is secondary, it is the life to which the thought refers that is fundamentally real. The creed is secondary, it is the conduct which follows that is significant. Have the faith, make the venture, pay the price, and you will win the gift. Do not expect to attain it without. But if you have learned this simple lesson the world is yours. THE GREATEST TRUTH AND OTHER DISCOURSES AND INTERPRETATIONS BY HORATIO W. DRESSER

"The story is told of a man who lived in a home having mirrors as walls. Whatever room he entered, he saw himself reflected in a mirror. He spent his time looking at himself from this angle and from that viewpoint. Day and night he saw only himself.

At first it was a highly gratifying experience. His own image was the only thing in the world. Nothing existed outside himself. He was the sole object of attention and admiration.

But after a while, a strange anxiety set in. The thrill of seeing only himself turned into a dull habit, then into desperate pain. What had once been a thrilling gratification had now become a terror. Loneliness entered. He felt depressed, but worst of all,
he felt trapped.

One day a furious rebellion swept through him. Taking stones, he hurled them against the mirrors, revealing an entirely new world on the outside. Having broken his habitual self-imprisonment, he enjoyed his new world."

Leave the mirror and change your face.
Leave the world alone and change
your conceptions of yourself.
Author, Shel Silverstein, in his writings, speaks of the opportunity that is at hand for each one of us every day in a little quip entitled “Magic Carpet.”

You have a magic carpet
    that will whiz you through the air
To Spain or Maine or Africa
    if you’ll just tell it where.
So will it let you let it take you
    where you’ve never been before?
Or will you buy it, drapes to match,
    and use it on the floor?

If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things in nature have a message you understand, Rejoice, for your soul is alive.” ~ Eleanora Duse

To Dr./Mr. Quimby disease (dis-ease) was always " the invention," or was due to the
wrong "belief," of man. That was Quimby’s legacy to mankind.
That “disease involves a lesson for man, that man is " a progressive being"” had nothing to do with Quimby. It became part of later teachings.
Self Healing, Guided Meditation Delta Waves} ~ Kelly Howell++ YouTube2

Man in his right domain controls every situation. The Message of a Master by JOHN McDONALD

Remember: Expect Miracles!

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