Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Time is at Hand

Well, one day while in deep meditation, it suddenly dawned upon me that being a student of Truth was not, after all, an absolutely assured or infallible state. One might, apparently, practice all he knew of Truth and still the problem remains unsolved. Surely such a position as this could not satisfy me; I saw before me the eternal triangle, -- the Truth, the student of Truth, and the problem. For instance, since both students and problems undergo a continual change, what was certain or sure about the mathematical "triangle," I asked myself, except mathematics itself? ~”The Astonishing New Revelation” ~ Lillian DeWaters
For nearly a century it has been proclaimed: Change the mind! Change the thought! Change the belief! Alas, what has not been seen is that all such directions pertain to those who believe they have a mind of their own, separate from the Divine. Regardless how many changes are made in personal minds, thoughts and beliefs, not until one identifies himself as DIVINE MIND, will his need of healing and regeneration cease.~ “LIGHT OF THE ETERNAL”~ Lillian DeWaters
There is only perfect Being, perfect Creation, perfect Action, perfect Drama, now, always, constant, irresistible, unreversible. There is no possibility of existence except as this Reality.
 "The time is at hand" when we should all bring loving hearts and willing minds to hear, with the Psalmist, the Voice which ever whispers, 
 "Be still, and know that I am God."
~ “The Time is at Hand” ~ Lillian DeWaters


Remember that thinking lack manifests itself in the outer as the absence of that which you should have. Thinking abundance manifests itself in abundant supply.
Remember to have a live faith in divine Substance (thinking) from which all good proceeds.
Remember, if you want good to come to you, you must also give good unto others, for love is the fulfilling of the law.
Remember, in order to experience abundance of all good, you must gain understanding.
Remember, that the one and only purpose of Life in you is that you acquire the right and true understanding of God and Self.
Remember, that every day is filled with possibilities. Are you thinking of your blessings and are you establishing in consciousness the activity that promotes growth, harmony and abundance?
Remember to keep away the belief that you are but effect and know that you are Cause Itself.
Remember to think: I possess unlimited supply of all good things, for infinite Mind is my resource and I have and manifest that which I desire.
Remember, that Understanding is priceless. When you have enough understanding you will not experience lack of any kind.
Remember, that all good belongs to you; claim it; think it; feel it; believe in it now, and your Word shall not return unto you void but shall externalize itself in the very thing that you desire.

If you need money, think money.
Money of itself is good; it is the erring sense about money that is at fault.
To have money in abundance and to spend it freely, yet wisely is not a wrong.
The outer abundance is dependent upon our inner riches of thought.
How to Have Abundance
Lillian DeWaters

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