Thursday, November 15, 2012

That like produces like is a mental law, self-acting, self-sustaining and self-existing.

The law of Mind says that with God nothing is impossible. Think of it. That is, everything right that it is possible for you to think and feel you can do or have, You CAN DO AND CAN HAVE.
Suppose the universal belief is poor times, etc., do not let this wrong belief about Life enter your consciousness as true. You must see infinite abundance, the spiritual laws of Life as fixed, changeless and as governing you and your experiences in spite of "times," "friends," `business operations," etc. "A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall NOT come nigh THEE." Who? You who know and obey the true law of the Universe. The power that gives you your health and happiness is also the source of your so-called material supply. Since God is one and God is all and God is Mind, this is therefore a mental universe and all therein is the result of Mind or thought from the head of a pin to a palace and from a penny to a gold mine. Everything that you see, hear, or understand through your senses is mental or is the result of thought and feeling.
Take right thought into all of your affairs. You can start with one right thought and let it expand in consciousness until more right thoughts are formed and more understanding, which is true substance, takes possession of your consciousness. You cannot demonstrate things until you demonstrate thoughts, for thoughts precede things. The financier has faith and courage in himself, in his own ideas, and he believes his own ideas are moneymaking, moneyproducing. He is using the mental law of prosperity, although he may be ignorant of this fact. Ignorance of the mental law in no way interferes with the fulfillment of that law.
If you seem to be in a state of poverty or lack, realize that it is but a temporary seeming and strive to make mental connection with Life in all its abundance. This connection is a process in mind, a process of thinking, knowing and feeling; `I am Life Itself, and so I can desire and expect every good thing for as I think I will be and will have. The selfhood which is Life, God, cannot lack for any good thing, and it is my right to demand and command that which is actually mine by Nature."
See your desire as already fulfilled; that is, as thought is the one and only Creator, then, it is by seeing (thinking) your desire as realized now that the objectification takes place or the Word (thought) becomes manifested. In plain words, see and feel yourself in possession of that good which you desire. This universe is One (uni) and God is One, hence all Life or being is the OneLife, OneGod. As God possesses all and is all so you in your very nature must have and must be that which God is. Practice thinking of your real nature or thinking of yourself as you really are, having abundance of life, health, happiness, and supply. Electricity does not come into your house without some means or channel of connection with the powerhouse, so even though the Powerhouse of abundance of all good is within you or is actually your own Mind and Spirit, yet you need to make a conscious connection with the Power before it manifests itself or externalizes itself to you. This connection can be made and is made in thinking and in feeling only. Try your understanding with what seems like a small demonstration and then as confidence and clearer understanding come to you, you will be able to do greater things.
That like produces like is a mental law, selfacting, selfsustaining and self-existing. There may appear obstacles in your path which can easily be set aside as you come into mental touch with Life, Understanding. Without thought nothing has ever been or ever will be made to appear. So look unflinchingly over your visible external horizon and know that you have power within your own consciousness to bring about your desired good in your affairs. Trials are stepping stones very often and as we rise and overcome them we make our character stronger and more enduring.

How to Have Abundance
by Lillian DeWaters

Any method of thinking, apart from the conscious knowledge of possessing now the ChristMind, to which "all things are possible," cannot deliver the full peace of God, nor the true, as well as lasting satisfaction to be found in the Master's statement, "I AM the Way: I AM the Truth: I AM the Life."
Transcending and overarching the general belief that while one's mind is human he must still think divinely with it, there comes a higher concept and deeper insight, which is, that we should give no heed to a belief that our mind is "human," but on the contrary, we should take the position that our mind is Divine, and thus, naturally, we think divinely with it. Such right vision and divine insight will surely bring us to the Horeb-height-that mountain of God where we behold and know Him as the I AM
As we rise to the position that there is but ONE God, and hence but ONE Mind, we see there is not, and never could truly be, a so-called human mind, or mentality; moreover, it is not by spiritually educating a fictitious human mind that we come into the Divine, but quite the contrary is true-whoever shall lose his belief in a mind other than the one God-Mind shall find this very Mind to be his own.  THE I-AM-SELF By Lillian DeWaters
They who turn their hearts to God, fully and completely—surrendering and abolishing all teachings of today which hold the world in the belief that we are separate from or other than Spirit, God, the One-will know of God that Spirit and spiritual Existence alone is present. They will live in their own pure and perfect Awareness or Consciousness that Spirit is all and that we can be nothing but Spirit. The end of the world means the bringing to an end the diabolical belief that we are mortals, humanity or mankind. It shall be that we will see this very Self, this very Body, and this very World as the Real and True-verily, the kingdom of Heaven Itself. Here, there is no sickness, no war, no sorrow, no death; for the former belief of sin and separation shall have been obliterated by the glorious, luminous Light and Revelation that the I AM remains Total and Alone; that "I" am the only One-there is none but "ME". ~ LIGHT ~Lillian DeWaters 1950

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